Skylanders Trap Team Critic Reviews
46 Total Reviews
42 Positive Reviews(91.3%)
4 Mixed Reviews(8.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Digital Chumps
October 1, 2014
Skylanders Trap Team for PS4 is better in almost every way than its predecessors. If you have the money, Trap Team is worth every penny.
Gaming Age
October 2, 2014
This year's iteration seems a little less polished than last year's, and the basic formula is beginning to feel repetitive, but it still holds up as one of the more enjoyable family friendly gaming experiences available this year.
The Escapist
October 1, 2014
Trap Team delivers a new gimmick on top of an old gimmick and does it damn well. The strong scriptwriting and voice work keep both adults and children interested in the story, even if you have to spend a lot of money to get the full effect.
IGN Italia
October 10, 2014
A new Skylanders, a new compelling story for the fans of the series. Trap Team is not a revolution, but it's still a lot of fun to play.
October 15, 2014
This is the best Skylanders game. It's funny, it's sweet; it's just everything. Every gamer needs to buy and play this. But be careful, the gameplay is addictive.
October 22, 2014
Activision manages to keep their franchise fresh to an almost abnormal degree. The best part of the series so far.
October 22, 2014
One word sums up this game, fun. It truly is a lovely game to play, with enough adventure and fun to keep kids happy.
Eurogamer Germany
October 28, 2014
Taken as a toy, Trap Team overshadows everything I had as a kid.
Gaming Nexus
October 1, 2014
Toys for Bob shows that they make better Skylander games than anyone. It’s simple, fun, and there is an absolute crap-ton of things to do.
Cheat Code Central
October 1, 2014
Gaming at its best if you can afford to track down the extra characters. Trap Team (along with any other Skylanders game) is fun for gamers of any age as long as you can put down that bloody shooter and play something more akin to the platformers of gaming past.
October 9, 2014
Skylanders comes back with new mechanics. Villain's inclusion as playable characters add even greater dynamism to the successful platforms+combat+puzzle formula. The fact that you can use the whole figures catalogue to date improves the value of this product, aimed for the children of the house but, due to it's charisma and possibilities, has turned into something worthwhile even for grown-ups.
PlayStation Universe
October 16, 2014
A magical adventure filled with colourful characters and a level of interaction that sucks you right in, Skylanders: Trap Team is a unique experience that once tried won’t be forgotten.
October 17, 2014
Skylanders: Trap Team is packed full of clever ideas and sharp design. It's well presented and well executed, but be warned: if you let your guard down, it'll also crit your credit card for massive damage.
October 17, 2014
Skylanders Trap Team is the best game of the series, with convincing gameplay and a fantastic characterization. But it's also the most expensive Skylanders game ever, and older toys are much less relevant than before.
October 1, 2014
The abundance of inventive and genuinely fun characters, and the inclusion of playable villains, means there’s always some amazing new trick to try. The new versions of Skystones and tilting lock puzzles are fun enough that I’d play them by themselves. On the downside, there’s nothing new here for your existing Skylanders, and the overall story just fails to come together.
October 22, 2014
Skylanders Trap Team successfully implements new gameplay mechanics to make this one of the best games to date.
Power Unlimited
October 6, 2014
Skylanders: Trap Team is not the game that will win you over if you never enjoyed Skylanders in the first place, but this is a well-polished entry in the series. Especially the Trap Master figurines are good looking toys that look great in real life. It's still a kid's game, but it is the most likeable, pretty and diverse game in the franchise.
God is a Geek
October 6, 2014
It’s weird to think that with the fourth game, Skylanders has fully earned my trust.
October 6, 2014
Another superb entry for one of the best-sellers sagas out there. Really fun to play, and not only by children.
October 8, 2014
Skylanders Trap Team is by far the most completed game in the series, thanks to the bad guys of Skylands, which weren't expected in this party. They make the gameplay deeper and the fun they bring allows you to forget the linearity of the journey, still in place. Sparkling graphics, hours of play and hundreds of treasures: Skylanders Trap Team has all that is needed to be a new success.