
Sniper Elite VR Critic Reviews

20 Total Reviews

10 Positive Reviews(50%)
10 Mixed Reviews(50%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GamingTrend July 8, 2021
Sniper Elite VR is an absolutely fantastic transformation of the flat-screen game, trimming the fat to just the parts that’ll be fun in virtual reality. Translating the sniper rifle into a VR medium makes the game immersive in a way we’ve not seen capitalized in many games to date. This one should be in your library, if you can handle the gore, and the occasional braindead AI.
Noisy Pixel July 8, 2021
Sniper Elite VR is an immersive FPS VR experience that combines arcade mission types with a simulation level of interactivity. Each mission objective varies, and while the sniper class steals the show, there’s a large variety of weapon types that each feels comfortable and fun to use. Item interaction and limited enemy AI can cause frustration, but after playing, I don’t think I can play this series any other way.
Digital Chumps July 12, 2021
For a VR experience, I have to say Sniper Elite VR is one of the better titles I have played. Part of that is surely from both the familiarity of the FPS genre and even more specifically the series itself. However, the variety of options lends itself well to a comfortable and enjoyable experience. The Aim Controller worked great, and though sure there are some camera/position glitches and some graphical issues from time to time as most any VR experience has, none of these were so off-putting as to keep me from playing. The narrative was interesting and well-told, too. Mission design is balanced well for a VR experience, meaning that it’s much more than ‘tech demo’ or entirely on rains, but, it’s not as wide in scope or sandboxy as a non-VR title either. In sum, for anyone looking for a good sniping experience in VR, this is an easy one to recommend.
UploadVR July 8, 2021
Sniper Elite has always been a bit of a b-movie treat by normal gaming standards and, while that’s still true of Sniper Elite VR, some of the series’ staple elements are really enhanced by the platform. Aiming down the scope, steadying your sights and pulling the trigger before readying the next round is a calculated and convincing process with perfectly streamlined authenticity. Throw in a variety of other objective types across a decent-length campaign, including comprehensive stealth segments and brilliantly rustic street shootouts and you’ve got a VR FPS that will tick a lot of boxes for a lot of headset owners. It’s not the platform’s most groundbreaking shooter, but Sniper Elite VR is proof you can teach an old dog new tricks, and that’s more than enough.
GMW3 July 8, 2021
So was Sniper Elite VR worth the anticipation and wait? Most definitely. It’s not without issues trying to find that balance between being a fun experience for all whilst giving VR veterans a videogame they can really get stuck into. When you do get into it though, Sniper Elite VR becomes a thoroughly engrossing VR shooter as you read the environment, study enemy movements and take that vital long-range shot. Doing that continually over the 7+ hour campaign seems very repetitive but lining up that perfect shot never is.
GameCritics August 4, 2021
Sniper Elite VR has scrunched down everything great about the series and created a near-perfect recreation that players can now experience from the inside.
Impulsegamer August 9, 2021
If in doubt… wait for a sale, but if you are a fan of the series you will have a pretty good idea of what to expect here… but now you can enjoy it in the far more personal VR perspective. I’d recommend it.
Gaming Nexus July 12, 2021
Sniper Elite VR offers a hefty experience for a VR game, with up to seven or eight hours of well-designed levels to creep through. The mechanics of the game take some time to get used to, and even after becoming accustomed to the controls, still feel a little awkward — though a nice selection of settings helps alleviate those issues. Some forced repetition pads the game towards the end, but overall Sniper Elite VR is a solid and fun experience.
Hey Poor Player July 27, 2021
Sniper Elite VR is a bit of a mixed bag. Hands down, the game offers the best sniping experience you can find in VR. So if you’re an armchair assassin looking to bag some bad guys, this is a game you won’t want to miss. But, on the other hand, it’s just a shame that things start to fall apart whenever you get up close and personal with your enemies...If you’re a fan of the Sniper Elite franchise and are looking for a fresh perspective on its blend of stealth action, Sniper Elite VR delivers the goods. Just don’t expect the same sense of polish and scale as its flat-screen offerings before you undertake this mission. Viva la revolucion!
Worth Playing August 9, 2021
Sniper Elite VR delivers where it counts the most — great sniping mechanics and a gory X-ray kill cam that looks phenomenal in VR — but the rest of the experience is a mixed bag. There's a forgettable story and mediocre shootouts when you're not handling a sniper rifle, and they both keep the game from standing out among more refined VR shooting offerings. If you are a fan of the franchise or you yearn for a good sniper rifle experience in VR, Sniper Elite VR is worth checking out.
4Players.de July 30, 2021
Problems with control as well as AI issues make it difficult to commence tactically. But with the good weapon handling and the interesting presentation you can have decent sniping fun after all.
GameStar July 15, 2021
Somewhat negligent VR implementation of the series with so much untapped potential.
GameSpew July 8, 2021
Ultimately, Sniper Elite VR is what it is. If you want to snipe enemies across a range of scenarios, all the while carrying out the actions required to reload a bolt-action rifle between shots, you’ll no doubt get some enjoyment out of it. It’s not particularly impressive visually, however, and beyond the additional arm-work required the dispatch the enemies you’re up against, the gameplay is rather basic. Throw in the additional fiddliness associated with VR, and the fact that the series’ kill-cam doesn’t quite gel with the format, and you have a game that’s fun to delve in and out of as a curio, but largely forgettable overall.
PC Invasion July 9, 2021
Though initially promising, the mechanics of Sniper Elite begin to fall apart once the dual controller setup for Oculus comes into play. This could certainly be remedied in the future through the introduction of a proper gun peripheral, but as of now, we're stuck firing blanks.
IGN July 12, 2021
A decent but poorly paced VR shooter that at least scratches both World War II and arcade sniping sim itches.
NME July 14, 2021
Sniper Elite VR shows promise and includes some of the best sniping in VR. It could have easily settled for being a shooting gallery but instead adds the movement and stealth you’d hope to see in a VR adaptation of Sniper Elite. However, it falls short whenever you don’t have a rifle in your hands.
CGMagazine July 16, 2021
Sniper Elite VR fails to take full advantage of its platform and deviates too far from console quality, but puts up a fight to offer non stop frenetic action.
God is a Geek July 18, 2021
Ultimately, Sniper Elite VR has the goods where it counts. If you can find the right level of comfort or, perhaps, the right position, the sniping is very good.
Gamepressure September 11, 2021
The answer is, sadly, too much. Sniper Elite delivers up some satisfying VR x-ray sniper kills, but once the novelty of that wears off, grinding through the rest of the campaign ends up being a bit of a chore. With no villains, real story, or any actual history to absorb, the game drifts through a seven-and-a-half-hour campaign of fight enemies, complete objective x, rinse, and repeat. This is such a shame when there was so much potential to really innovate in VR – but that seems to be the last thing Rebellion set their sights on.
Road to VR July 13, 2021
True to its name, Sniper Elite VR delivers strong sniping mechanics, but the surrounding action doesn't do it justice. With a great VR sniper scope implementation and the franchise's signature x-ray kill cam, delivering those long shots can definitely be satisfying. Unfortunately the homogenous enemies and weapons blur together against a backdrop of unmemorable levels and story. The game's graphical presentation on Quest is surprisingly good, with long draw distances, sharp imagery, and great performance. Sniper Elite VR is also a very comfortable game with a wide range of comfort options, but the teleport mode is painfully slow—to the point that I wouldn't recommend the game if you must play it with teleport.