Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 Critic Reviews
33 Total Reviews
2 Positive Reviews(6.1%)
29 Mixed Reviews(87.9%)
2 Negative Reviews(6.1%)
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March 19, 2013
The frustratingly few-and-far-between checkpoints and MIA multiplayer are disappointments, but this is a worthy sniping experience, especially given the game's budget price. This thoughtfully designed sequel makes good on the promise of its highly flawed predecessor.
Game Over Online
April 23, 2013
City Interactive has done a wonderful job of improving on the first Ghost Warrior title, and while this game still has a ways to go before being stellar, it definitely has succeeded in getting us excited for what the next sniping title may look like.
March 27, 2013
As a sniper game, it’s not a bad choice, just one that’s saddled with some unfortunate gameplay and presentation issues.
Console Monster
April 19, 2013
The idea of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 is great, the execution is poor and what could have been an excellent game now warrants just a single run-through on the single-player campaign before being sold over eBay. Whilst the actual sniping experience is very realistic and on a harder difficulty very immersive, it’s let down by poor visuals, a short campaign, a bare boned multiplayer and thick enemy AI.
Digital Chumps
March 24, 2013
Though the potential to be a great game is there for Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2, it just never reaches that point of greatness due to flaws and linear gameplay.
Games Master UK
May 9, 2013
Some great sniping action surrounded by ropey stealth sections and enemy AI.
Official Xbox Magazine UK
March 18, 2013
An appealing-enough concept mired by shoddy execution. Unabashed scope junkies may find something to amuse them here, however, providing you put a bullet through your better judgement.
March 20, 2013
A game of limited worth, then, less enjoyable than 2012's World War 2-themed Sniper Elite V2, but which demonstrates a developer on an upward trajectory nonetheless.
Official Xbox Magazine
March 22, 2013
Just entertaining enough to buy when it’s accumulating dust in the bargain bin. But for a richer sniper experience with more gruesome kill shots, last year’s Sniper Elite V2 is a better bet.
Critical Hit
March 26, 2013
On the surface, Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 has plenty going for it. Decent visuals if you don’t pay attention, a campaign that will stretch from 6-8 hours and some solid gameplay. But it lacks the drive to go any further, resulting in a lacklustre game that misses several high value shots in the process.
The Digital Fix
April 10, 2013
Sniping fans who are done with the recent Sniper Elite V2 and crave more sharpshooting action will probably get some mileage out of this budget title, but lowering the scope reveals a game that could have used a little more polish and attention before release.
March 20, 2013
A budget first person tactical shooter, hampered by mediocre artificial intelligence, linear level design and lots of graphical glitches. Single player campaign is short and what is left is an inconsistent multiplayer mode.
Game Informer
March 22, 2013
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 feels like a bad parody of military shooters, but with poorly textured environments and sub-par mechanics. I like being the lone-wolf sniper as much as the next shooter fan, but City Interactive fumbles the power-trip from start to finish.
March 23, 2013
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 could have been a great sniper game. Learned from all mistakes made in the original game, one would think a sequel would make up for everything. Alas, that is not the case. The game fails to really stand out in many aspects, such as the story and characters. Let's hope a possible third entry will be an impressive point blank.
April 1, 2013
It’s a game that has a core mechanic done decently, but has “generic” written all over it for everything else. Add in the throwaway, barebones multiplayer and there isn’t anything here worthwhile for anyone but hardcore sniper fans.
April 4, 2013
A huge disappointment and a step back from the original game. Ghost Hunter 2 is boring, repetitive, and doesn't really immerse you in the world of snipers.
April 4, 2013
A capable sniping simulator overwhelmed by technical hiccups and shallow drama.
April 8, 2013
Everything surrounding the long-range shooting makes this far from a satisfying experience. The muddy visuals, cheesy dialogue, predictable level design, and lacking multiplayer leaves plenty to be desired.
X-ONE Magazine UK
April 23, 2013
There are good ideas here, but too much bogging them down.