
The Solitaire Conspiracy Critic Reviews

14 Total Reviews

10 Positive Reviews(71.4%)
3 Mixed Reviews(21.4%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameSpace October 13, 2020
What do you get when you add espionage and intrigue to the ubiquitous game found in nursing homes and every Windows decide known to mankind, then drop it into a carefully crafted, existing science fiction world? You get The Solitaire Conspiracy.
Finger Guns October 6, 2020
If you’ve never played a solitaire video game, The Solitaire Conspiracy is the perfect gateway into them. Bithell Games have created an accessible yet deeply strategic twist on the classic card game that includes an espionage narrative delivered via FMV’s featuring famous faces. There’s some ludonarrative dissonance between the drama of story told and the relative calmness of the game play but it does little to spoil one of the best this genre has to offer.
DualShockers October 6, 2020
The crew at Bithell Games has done it again. The Solitaire Conspiracy may not be the developer’s best-told story, but it’s one of the most enjoyable on a gameplay level. And like every Bithell Short, it never overstays its welcome. If you want to play something short and sweet, look no further.
Critical Hit October 6, 2020
The Solitaire Conspiracy is one of this year’s most surprisingly addictive games, a tense showdown amongst spies using nothing other than your own wits and a few card tricks up your sleeve to deliver a quick punch of strategy.
God is a Geek October 6, 2020
Whilst it is only solitaire, Bithell Games has managed to put a fresh take on an old classic. The Solitaire Conspiracy is addictive, and it oozes style in every game.
The Indie Game Website October 6, 2020
Beatable within two hours but offering good replayability, The Solitaire Conspiracy is a short but sweet experience. Featuring some strong visual aesthetics, an engaging narrative and enjoyable gameplay, this bite-sized title proves particularly entertaining and left me wanting more. Though limited by the smaller scope, it marks another winner by Mike Bithell, making this one conspiracy we recommend investigating.
TheGamer October 8, 2020
At its core, The Solitaire Conspiracy isn't much more than a gussied up version of Solitaire. Still, the work done in creating an intriguing narrative and piecing it together with an amazing style makes this little venture worth picking up. With the team not opposed to doing some DLC down the line, it could also become a much more substantial game in the future.
GameSpot October 6, 2020
If you’re looking for a solid take on solitaire with an interesting injection of hero-based action, The Solitaire Conspiracy is exciting, well-paced and genuinely unique. You just need to decide if you really need to play another take on solitaire. Especially given the fact that multiple variations of the game likely came pre-installed on your computer, anyway. But, then again, do any of those have hero characters?
GameSpew October 6, 2020
I applaud Bithell Games’ efforts to make a classic card game something more. There’s no denying its presentation is compelling, even if the story may feel rather unnecessary. But regardless of how you feel about the over-the-top dramatics, there’s an excellent game at the core of The Solitaire Conspiracy. Its Countdown and Skirmish modes are something that players will find themselves going back to time and again – if only for a welcome change from Freecell or Spider Solitaire.
IGN Japan November 12, 2020
The Solitaire Conspiracy’s story about direction – which later transforms into a techno-horror story – is sharp and intelligent. But due to the card-based gameplay’s lack of flashiness and variety, you might get bored before it all comes to an end. While this issue was partially fixed with the Version 1.03 update, there is still work that needs to be done in order to make this a game that has not only literary quality but is also fun as entertainment.
IGN Italia October 7, 2020
After two beautiful shorts, Bithell Games returns with a new take in the solitaires world. The Solitaire Conspiracy, unfortunately, doesn't fulfil its promises: the strategic part of the card game is poor and the story is far worse than the average Bithell story. The core gameplay is ok for a three hours game, but struggles to hold the replayability for too long.
VideoGamer October 14, 2020
It was clearly forged from a love of Solitaire, and even its failures feel like restless, riffled expressions of that love.
Edge Magazine November 5, 2020
Solitaire is supposed to be an exercise in patience; we weren't expecting ours to be tested between levels, too.
Vice October 8, 2020
All this is fun and compelling, but what makes the game more than a time waster is the lovely, sparse writing.