
SoulCalibur Critic Reviews

24 Total Reviews

24 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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CheckOut May 7, 2024
I guarantee you'll be amazed at how phenomenal this game looks, and you won't be able to put it down.
Gamestyle May 7, 2024
This is - or was - bleeding edge technology; the 'Sole Calibre' of Dreamcast's Distinction, and it shall remain so... until Namco's elite inevitably trump themselves.
CNET Gamecenter May 7, 2024
It blows away every 3D fighting game I've ever played (even "Virtua Fighter 3," and by a much bigger margin than I expected!), so go buy it when you get your Dreamcast, or feel like a total fool when it's sold out the next day.
Antagonist May 7, 2024
The great gameplay, large variety of options, and the absolutely astounding visuals combine to make this game near perfect.
IGN May 7, 2024
The number one reason to buy a Dreamcast.
Gaming Maxx May 7, 2024
If "Soul Calibur" (is) not perfect, it is without question the closest thing to it.
GameSpot May 7, 2024
For sheer adrenaline working in tandem with eye-melting graphics, nothing could touch it.
Da Gameboyz May 7, 2024
A technological masterpiece that is also a great enjoyment to play. All I have to say is run, do not walk, to your video game store and buy this work of art, for if you do not, I will send the final character from the game, Inferno, to influence your purchase decision.
Daily Radar May 7, 2024
This is the most beautiful fighting game ever to grace a home console.
Games Radar May 7, 2024
Polished to a piercing gleam, considered beyond mortally tangible thought, it's the best beat 'em up we've played in years.
DC Swirl May 7, 2024
Let's just put it this way, if you have a Dreamcast and there isn't a "Soul Calibur" Disk sitting close by then you're getting ripped off.
Hot Games May 7, 2024
Stunning 3D backgrounds, convincingly animated (to put it mildly) characters and superfluous effects are carried out in fine style with no hint of slowdown, all the while running in glorious high-res.
Gaming Age May 7, 2024
With increased detail running at a higher resolution and maintaining the same frame rate, it quite literally leaves the arcade version for dead. That's 640x480 at a constant 60fps.
GamePro May 7, 2024
Without a doubt the best looking fighting game ever, with nuances like muscle rippling, facial expressions of pain, fear, and anger, and caustic lighting effects that dazzle the eyes.
AllDreamcast May 7, 2024
The only thing missing is internet multi-player capability, but you can't have everything, can you...
Game Fan May 7, 2024
"Soul Calibur's"only detectable flaw... while professed SC masters may think that they can manhandle any selectable character, the ugly truth is that some of the game's characters are completely over- and under-powered.
Dreamcast.net May 7, 2024
If you like fighting games, "Soul Calibur" on the DreamCast is without a doubt, better than any fighting game on any console or in the arcades. Period! Need I say more? I don't think so.
Sega X May 7, 2024
Visual presentation, with the fluid motion and beautiful fighting styles is the games strongest aspect.
Planet Dreamcast May 7, 2024
The graphics, particularly the character models and animation, are stunning. The fighting is both strategic and intense, fun to watch and fun to play.
Game Revolution May 7, 2024
The sound is good, but not good enough to be noticeable when combined with jaw-dropping graphics.