
Soul Edge Critic Reviews

12 Total Reviews

12 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Gamestyle June 8, 2024
It's just about perfect. The multiple play modes will keep you going long after "Tekken" has slid back to the trade in shop. The graphics are out of this world, and I still cannot work out how a game that came out in 1995 can have an introduction that looks so jaw droopingly fantastic. It plays amazing, it looks amazing, it’s quite simply amazing.
GamePro June 8, 2024
Savage moves enable you to beat, stab, slice, and dice opponents with vicious violence that is sure to excite fight fans to unbelievable heights.
Games Domain June 8, 2024
No other fighter on the PSX has so completely combined great graphics with great gameplay and replayability. Soul Blade simply stands in a catagory by itself.
Game Revolution June 8, 2024
By far the best fighter out there at the moment. While it doesn't do anything "revolutionary," it's a damn good game that any fighting game fan should definitely buy.
All Game Guide June 8, 2024
With astounding graphics and nearly every pixel of the arcade version represented, beautiful backgrounds, lighting effects and unsurpassed character animation, Soul Blade is a wonder to watch and even more amazing to play.
TotalGames.net June 8, 2024
Represents state-of-the-art gaming and pushes the PlayStation to its limits -- short of nicking a coin-op, this is the closest thing you'll ever come to arcade perfection in the home.
Absolute Playstation June 8, 2024
The Edge-Master mode is a wonderful idea and really helps to bring each character into focus. This is easily the best looking fighter on the market today, I just wish it had more characters to choose from.
Gamezilla! June 8, 2024
The in game fighting in Soul Blade is where the game really shines. There is little lag time between button selections and the execution of the desired move. The characters move very fluidly and quite fast.
IGN June 8, 2024
Soul Blade's only drawback is that it may be too easy. The combos are fairly simplistic, and button mashing seems to have as much impact as memorizing chains.
This Namco fighter lets you use weapons to kick your opponent's ass.
GameSpot June 8, 2024
Visually astonishing from the moment you turn it on... A great fighting game with its share of flaws.
Adrenaline Vault June 8, 2024
The fast and vicious action puts it near the top of its class in the fighting genre, while the interesting characters keep it from being lumped in as just another clone.