Spartacus Legends Critic Reviews
8 Total Reviews
0 Positive Reviews(0%)
6 Mixed Reviews(75%)
2 Negative Reviews(25%)
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July 22, 2013
Spartacus Legends is a free-2-play that deserves attention for a number of interesting features, such as the management phase and a certain tension attributed to the fact that you may lose your gladiator.
July 4, 2013
It is theoretically enjoyable, but there are some issues, mostly online related, that spoil all the fun. We encourage you to give it a try, since it has a lot of entertainment to offer.
June 30, 2013
Spartacus Legends has an interesting combat system and character progression, but fails with its servers problems, poor netcode and some graphics issues.
July 30, 2013
Better exploitation of the license would allow Spartacus Legends of becoming a title unavoidable at least for fans of the TV series.
Games Master UK
July 29, 2013
Legends has missed the point of the business model entirely, giving unfortunate players a choice of grinding through shallow, unfulfilling and downright ugly combat, or forking out substantial amounts of real money to bypass said mediocrity.
Official Xbox Magazine UK
July 17, 2013
Most free to play games are engineered for compulsive play, but Spartacus Legends is about as addictive as swallowing sand. Thumbs down.
X-ONE Magazine UK
August 16, 2013
It's a bad game compromised further by awkward monetisation.