Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness Critic Reviews
68 Total Reviews
19 Positive Reviews(27.9%)
46 Mixed Reviews(67.6%)
2 Negative Reviews(2.9%)
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PlayStation LifeStyle
June 27, 2016
The game’s presentation feels very dated, graphics performance fluctuates, players new to the franchise may feel left out in the cold, and the story is somewhat predictable. Yet, despite these issues, the game is ultimately very fun for RPG fans, both Japanese and Western, thanks to the meaty campaign, countless strategy options, and numerous unlockable and upgradeable skills and roles. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness is a perfect time-sink to game away those lazy summer afternoons on.
June 28, 2016
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness is one hell of a role playing game with complex mechanics unlike those of a regular JRPG. The main issue is that the narrative is quite predictable and the story as a whole feels uninspired. The presentation, on the other hand, is great and will help the player feel comfortable while playing this game.
Digitally Downloaded
July 7, 2016
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness will probably not be remembered as one of the PlayStation 4’s finest. It’s greatly let down by technical issues with a camera that actively works against the game’s strengths: the epic sense of scale and the beautiful presentation. Dig beneath that, however, and you arrive at a game with an enjoyable narrative, fun characters, and a solid action JRPG combat system – all the stuff that’s actually important, in other words.
July 15, 2016
The newest Star Ocean game isn't for everyone, but it's a wonderful science fiction RPG nevertheless, boasting magnificent combat, a transcendent soundtrack and mostly beautiful graphics. Absolutely worth your while.
June 28, 2016
A game that has many cool ideas but, sadly, some of them doesn't work. Although it has a great combat system and character design, its narrative feels hallow because of the absence of cutscenes and its difficulty gives the sensation that it wasn't well-polished. These errors, among many other flaws, make this a wasted opportunity but not a bad game at all. How ironic!
July 8, 2016
If you consider how long we had to wait for Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness, everything seems rugged. Nonetheless this cornerstone of JRPG-franchises still manages to entertain on a solid level.
June 27, 2016
While Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness pulls together a strong story and great gameplay, it's plauged by technical issues.
PlayStation Universe
June 27, 2016
Excels in areas like combat and crafting but not in narrative or characterization. It has enough gameplay options to bring any JRPG fan to the table, but not everyone will leave content.
July 12, 2016
A really decent JRPG that pays homage to the very first Star Ocean. A game for old school fans with an interesting combat, anodyne story and too much backtracking for its own good, but a nice adventure nonetheless.
June 28, 2016
There’s promise in Integrity and Faithlessness that Star Ocean’s next incarnation could be really something special. Right now, it’s just not quite there in this edition.
June 28, 2016
This is one of those games that are becoming rare to find. It has a great amount of positive qualities, but there are also quite important issues that prevent it from being something better.
Push Square
June 27, 2016
Integrity and Faithlessness is a much faster game than previous Star Ocean entries, but it sacrifices narrative and contextual depth for it.
RPG Site
June 28, 2016
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness feels like a solid title that got trapped in old gimmicks. It’s beautiful, but empty. There’s nostalgia, but in the wrong places. I still enjoyed much of my time with it, and I’ll even revisit it soon for the bonus dungeons. So many little things hold Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness back, but there’s still something under the flawed surface that’s worth giving a shot.
June 28, 2016
With some scenario problems and a flat evolution of characters, Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness succeeds in being both fun and dynamic. A fun that, unfortunately, lasts less than other JRPGs do.
July 8, 2016
Star Ocean 5 had the potential to be a great game, but the game feels only average now. The characters are interesting and look great, but the world itself feels empty. Combat looks great as well, but your team's AI is terrible sometimes. An 'OK' JRPG.
Brash Games
July 11, 2016
In conclusion, Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness truly encapsulates a feeling of excitement and adventure with a wide range of locations and enemies testing even skillful player’s abilities. In addition to this the debut of a newer and smoother combat system allows even new players to easily access the game’s world and combat within it.
July 14, 2016
Star Ocean 5 is an all-around solid JRPG that has a tendency to play it safe, an unusual move for a developer known for trying really weird things. It rarely stands out in any meaningful way, but still remains thoroughly enjoyable.
August 16, 2016
It’s a very solid RPG that will likely appeal to fans of the series more than anything, but it certainly does appeal.
Hobby Consolas
August 18, 2016
More proof of the JRPG decadence these days. It's not only a problem about graphics or art design, it's about gameplay, and that's always bad. It seems that Tri-Ace and Square-Enix didn't put enough money and resources into this project.
IGN Italia
July 1, 2016
A JRPG with great classic tones, but too "inflated" and formulaic to recover only through a discrete combat system.