
Star Wars: Republic Commando Critic Reviews

54 Total Reviews

48 Positive Reviews(88.9%)
6 Mixed Reviews(11.1%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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My Gamer May 6, 2024
The audio, just like the visuals, is terrific. The ambience of battle, the Star Wars music, the sounds from droids and aliens; everything is done so well. You feel as though you're actually there in a scene from a Star Wars movie.
Into Liquid Sky May 6, 2024
If there's anything that can be held against Republic Commando, it's that the main story is short and doesn't have all that strong of an overarching story. Fortunately, the gameplay and audio package makes the overall experience worth the time and effort. Republic Commando is certainly one of the better Star Wars games to come out this generation.
RewiredMind May 6, 2024
Republic Commando should really be viewed as an incredibly solid, compelling, stylish title that has the ability of being able to be played over Xbox Live should you fancy it.
It's the polar opposite of all that dialogue-based soul-searching and Jedi hocus-pocus, but boy oh boy, is it good. And there's not a single lightsaber in sight.
Game Chronicles May 6, 2024
The squad-based gameplay is here but its execution has been greatly simplified making the game much more accessible to the casual gamer and probably a bit insulting to Clancy veterans.
GameZone May 6, 2024
It truly feels like a part of the Star Wars universe, and is a great way to stay strong with The Force until Episode III arrives.
Xequted May 6, 2024
The game's artificial intelligence is impressive, and utilising the commands and setting team command points through the levels really makes it feel like you're working through the game with real people who actually know what they are doing.
GameSpot May 6, 2024
A pedestrian and unimaginative multiplayer mode is the only notable flaw in a game that otherwise plays, looks, and sounds fantastic.
IC-Games May 6, 2024
The bottom line is that Republic Commando as a single player game is where the action is, the levels are well thought out and deeply atmospheric – exactly what we want from our games nowadays.
VGPub May 6, 2024
Fans of both the movies and action games should definitely come away pleased with the game, even though the multiplayer is disappointing. The campaign is really that good.
Game Over Online May 6, 2024
One of those titles that will appeal to action gamers and some strategy players alike. Although it's a short single player experience, Commando packs a ton of action into every minute, and gamers will enjoy every minute of it.
Play Magazine May 6, 2024
Tactical, yet just as fun as any single-player romp, skillfully laid out and nicely scored, Star Wars: Republic Commando lives up to its billing and them some.
TotalGames.net May 6, 2024
The quality single-player shoot-'em-up that the Star Wars franchise needed. It's slick, quick, and easy to play with a sharp tactical edge that slides effortlessly into some free-flowing warfare.
MS Xbox World May 6, 2024
The graphics and audio are excellent with a superb interface for you to control your squad but the main game is fairly short.
Xbox World Australia May 6, 2024
Easily one of the more polished first person shooters available on the Xbox. I would have liked to have seen some more advanced squad control options, or options to remove the visual cues, as this, plus the level design, gives the game a very linear feel.
Inside Gamer Online May 6, 2024
The squad ethic has been applied solidly to fast-paced action that is sure to appeal to any serious action gamer. If you can overlook the short, 10-hour campaign and a multiplayer component barely worth mentioning, then RC is an easy recommendation.
Ferrago May 6, 2024
While some may despair about the ever-present guiding hand of the designers, it is the constant presence of this phantom guide that helps to make Republic Commando such a tight and focused game. It's been a while since I played a game which has been so comprehensively designed to be a cohesive and complete experience.
Game Informer May 6, 2024
Although the controls fit as comfortably as Master Chief's glove, the targeting system is too demanding of precision, especially when you are required to unload dozens of rounds into certain enemy types.
TeamXbox May 6, 2024
This is one game that makes you "feel" like part of the conflict rather than just a spectator. Hardcore FPS fans will probably have a few complaints about the simplistic squad command system, the short length, and the standard multiplayer modes, but there is no doubt that this is an adrenaline rush from beginning to end.
A surprisingly entertaining, blissfully uncomplicated shooter... But it's not the kind of game that you'll absolutely fixate on finishing.