Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Critic Reviews
59 Total Reviews
20 Positive Reviews(33.9%)
38 Mixed Reviews(64.4%)
1 Negative Reviews(1.7%)
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October 28, 2010
A good sequel with superior controls, some new features, a steady pace and a lot more action compared to the first game. With its short playing time of roughly five hours it fails to create as much atmosphere as The Force Unleashed 1 though and there are still some technical issues, e.g. the mediocre collision detection. Overall The Force Unleashed 2 will satisfy both Star Wars-Fans and those who enjoyed the first game.
December 22, 2010
With precious few of those quality gameplay moments and a plot that limps along in need of focus, unfortunately Force Unleashed 2 ultimately fails to live up to the interest of its broken but far more compelling predecessor.
Console Monster
December 17, 2010
To summarise if you liked the first game then you'll love the second. Whilst the game is extremely short (having me finish it in a single sitting), quite repetitive in places and the mere eight challenges do little to add the much desired replay value, it's a blast whilst it lasts.
October 26, 2010
Takes nearly every complaint we had about the original and fixes it or gives us something better. We finally feel like a proper, force-wielding one-man army. It's still short and doesn't take us on a truly grand tour of the Star Wars universe, but the storytelling holds up in quality and fits right in to the existing mythology.
Cheat Code Central
October 26, 2010
The Force Unleased II is a good game. However, I would be hesitant to call it a good Star Wars game. The original Force Unleashed did a good job building on Star Wars' mythos in a way that was interesting but non-intrusive. It presented a simple story that featured plenty of thematic elements seen in both the original and prequel trilogy. However, the follow-up just doesn't capture the original's spirit, and that is what ultimately holds this title back from being something great.
December 17, 2010
Following the first game's successful expansion of the universe, TFU2's narrative direction is a Death Star-sized let down. Thankfully, its polished gameplay generally overshadows this flaw.
Game Informer
May 20, 2024
A shadow of its former self. The graceful gameplay offers a higher level of excitement, but the plot and characterization - two large components from which I expect great things from any Star Wars journey - makes this experience one of 2010's biggest disappointments.
Planet Xbox 360
December 22, 2010
While The Force Unleashed II doesn't push new boundaries in enemy confrontations or replay value, it's still a fun weekend romp, with plenty of enemies to kill and a great cliffhanger ending to wash it all down with. Let's just hope that the next chapter in the saga uses more development Force.
October 27, 2010
As we wrap up our adventure through the Star Wars Universe, it's important to note that this game has some amazing aspects to it, but in the end, it's the core story that disappoints most.
January 7, 2011
Star Wars Unleashed 2 is a good game which manages to improve over its predecessor's shortcomings. It's still too short and samey as a whole. Fans will enjoy it for sure.
December 22, 2010
It's not a total failure, and there are some improvements worthy of note, but the way it so callously steps on the toes of the previous title's story is a huge disappointment.
January 7, 2011
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 doesn't live up to the expectations. The graphics are stunning, but the story as well as the atmosphere are disappointing and do not justify a fully priced game. Still, it's a must have for true Star Wars fans.
January 13, 2011
Unleashed II is a decent enough effort and will please fans of the series, but the expectations were far higher.
Digital Chumps
October 27, 2010
The Force Unleashed II isn't a bad game, it's just a disappointing one. There was a lot of hope and excitement for it prior to launch, but it really fell short. If you liked the original, you should play this, but frankly, a rental is probably all you need.
MS Xbox World
December 17, 2010
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II is, for the most part, an enjoyable action game that is sadly short lived due to its overall length and un-realised, poorly crafted story.
January 11, 2011
The new Star Wars games shines for its awesome graphics and refined controls, but it's not enough to overcome a boring and short story and very repetitive gameplay.
Eurogamer Portugal
January 15, 2011
It is impossible not to say that Force Unleashed II disappoints even those who liked the first game, not for being a bad game because it is not, but because it could have been so much more.
January 15, 2011
Star Wars the Force Unleashed II makes up for most of its predecessor flaws, and delivers some terrific action sequences. It's a shame though that the story is simply non existent and the whole adventure lasts some 5 hours. It really seems like the developers can't make this saga right, leaves us waiting for a new hope.