
StarCraft Critic Reviews

15 Total Reviews

15 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Gamers' Temple May 4, 2024
One of those rare games that is not overly complex, but provides a challenging and fun gaming experience. It never seems to get old or boring.
Electric Playground May 4, 2024
Another glowing aspect of StarCraft is its absolutely brilliant Campaign Editor. This is the very best make-your-own game interface ever made.
IGN May 4, 2024
The distinctive races, units, spell abilities, and bases are all unique and clever, so it's amazing that the game is as well balanced as it is. This is what gameplay is all about.
TotalGames.net May 4, 2024
If real aliens turn up while you are playing this, they don’t stand a chance of getting your attention.
Gamezilla! May 4, 2024
The cinematic animations are outstanding, dramatic and funny. Even the voice-over acting is really good.
PC Gamer May 4, 2024
Strong strategy, great graphics, and variety make this one of the year's best.
GameSpot May 4, 2024
The game has so much life in it - whether in the great, narrative-driven single-player campaign or the multitude of multiplayer options - you won't grow tired of it anytime soon.
Yahoo! May 4, 2024
You get a fun, instantly appealing, easy to play-hard to master real-time strategy, with character and an endless amount of playability.
All Game Guide May 4, 2024
It truly revolutionizes and sets a new standard for real-time strategy games on the PC.
Its well-developed plot, unique races, intuitive interface, and excellent campaign editor make it worth the price of admission, especially for those that liked "Warcraft II."
GamePro May 4, 2024
By virtue of simple, solid gameplay, Starcraft has managed to rise above a predictable approach and been-there-done-that mechanics, and the final product (much like "Warcraft II" in 1995) seems fresh and new.
Happy Puppy May 4, 2024
If you're looking for something new, if you're looking for groundbreaking gameplay, you won't find it here. What you will find is a very solid game engine, with fantastic multiplayer support, and nice units and technologies to choose from.
Adrenaline Vault May 4, 2024
While the game isn't necessarily revolutionary, it is refreshing in the gameplay it provides and the ability it gives players to create new challenges and prolong their gaming experience.
Cincinnati Enquirer May 4, 2024
It won't win any awards for originality, but it's good enough to shrink your nightly sleep to just a couple of hours.
Game Revolution May 4, 2024
All in all, if you buy StarCraft, you're buying it for the multi-player. The single-player is just too short and disappointing...The game just doesn't live up to the lofty goals of its predecessors, and for that, it suffers.