February 26, 2016

Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley
Based on 1009 Ratings
Based on 32 Reviews


Stardew Valley is an RPG-style farming game. It's up to you to choose your path... Will you devote your time to raising crops and caring for animals? Will you spend time in the local village, befriending the local townspeople? Do you get a kick out of slaying dreadful monsters in the mysterious mountain caverns? Or will you try to accomplish everything and claim the coveted title of Stardew Hero?

Stardew Valley Trailer

Stardew Valley Screenshots

Critic Reviews

  • 92
    RPG Fan July 19, 2017
    Stardew Valley is without a doubt the best game in the Harvest Moon genre in many years. It has a subtle message about what it means to live a good life and to flourish through a combination of hard work and human connection. The Harvest Moon games all basically boil down to managing a mix of time, tasks, and metrics, and recent entries in the series have relied heavily on exploiting a new gameplay gimmick with each iteration: in one it's crafting structures for the town, in another it's trading with foreign economies. The problem with this approach is that once these gimmicks are exhausted — all the houses built or all the goods traded — the games feel hollow. Stardew Valley succeeds by delivering a robust experience that does not merely rely on watching a meter go up. It has something to say and says it well, while never abandoning the core gameplay that attracted players in the first place.
  • 90
    GameGrin September 23, 2016
    Don't start this game if you value relationships, your job, your social life, and having free time. Stardew Valley will take all of that away from you, but it's okay because it's a great game.
  • 85
    Gamer.nl July 25, 2016
    Stardew Valley is a fine, smart farm simulation game. It is slow and it involves a lot of daily tasks, but in Stardew Valley there is something ingenious about those tasks.
  • 95
    CD-Action June 29, 2016
    What do you do when your beloved game series – in this case Harvest Moon – keeps disappointing you? You make your own game, better in every aspect. Every moment spent with Stardew Valley is magical. It’s the Harvest Moon I’ve been waiting for my whole life.
  • 90
    games(TM) May 26, 2016
    From Spring to Summer, to Fall and Winter, season changes will render certain crops dead. You have to plan ahead – farming doesn’t even occur in winter – and your jobs remain engrossing day-in, day-out. That’s Stardew Valley’s greatest strength – it gives you a load of interesting things to do in your new life, rewards you whichever you choose to do, and it always feels like more than just a farming game.