
Staxel Critic Reviews

7 Total Reviews

1 Positive Reviews(14.3%)
6 Mixed Reviews(85.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Finger Guns September 22, 2021
Staxel provides a fun, zen farming and life simulator that replicates the visuals of Minecraft, and the premise of Stardew Valley. There is much to uncover and it could be everyone’s new favourite farm to milk cows, grow crops and build abodes, whilst making friends along the way.
Pure Nintendo September 28, 2021
At $24.99, I think Staxel’s priced a bit high, and I’d wait for a sale. But multiplayer can be lots of fun, playing with friends both locally and online. If you find the premise and presentation appealing, Staxel’s a cute, chill, but familiar title. It’s a game that can bore or relax depending on your thoughts about Minecraft and farming/new-guy-in-town simulators like Harvest Moon.
Shindig September 24, 2021
Despite its fiddly interface and a farming side of things that’s a bit underwhelming, Staxel’s open-ended nature and creative potential make it an enjoyable outing in blocky rural life.At the very least, it shows the potential in this idea of a life sim block-building game: even if it doesn’t get the balance quite right, creative freedom and the laid-back, satisfying rhythm of farm life go hand-in-hand.
Switch Player October 15, 2021
Staxel offers some fun gameplay, but it retreads a lot of familiar ground in the process, and nothing about it stands out as unique or exciting. Fans of the genre might like it, but don’t expect any innovation here.
Video Chums September 22, 2021
Staxel delivers a mediocre mix of block-building, farming, and foraging without providing any substantial drive or reward for your efforts. In other words, you'll be better off picking up one of the many games that Staxel was inspired by instead.
God is a Geek October 12, 2021
If you are looking for a charming farming sim, you would probably be better looking down yonder Stardew Valley.
Hey Poor Player January 6, 2022
Staxel exemplifies the old saying, “jack of all trades, master of none.” With the stellar competition on offer, a game really needs to excel these days to make an impact in what is becoming a very crowded genre. Unfortunately, Staxel, with its frustrating systems and the uninteresting cast, makes it hard to want to stick around and enjoy the variety of gameplay loops on offer here, and it’s difficult to see anybody but the most dedicated fans of the genre feeling any different.