Strange Brigade Critic Reviews
36 Total Reviews
31 Positive Reviews(86.1%)
4 Mixed Reviews(11.1%)
1 Negative Reviews(2.8%)
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August 28, 2018
Strange Brigade is a fantastic third person shooter that is best enjoyed with friends. The 1930s tone and quirky charm are wonderfully crafted, adding more of a light-hearted tone to the experience. The variety of weapons and abilities are nice and offer something for every type of player.
August 29, 2018
Strange Brigade is the rare title that manages to construct completely satisfying single- and multiplayer experiences in the exact same space. It’s not a huge project — a motivated team could blast through in under five hours while digging up all of the secrets might take closer to twenty — but it’s immensely replayable thanks to character variety and the different dynamics of co-op and solo modes.
Digital Chumps
August 29, 2018
Strange Brigade gets much more right than it does wrong, and it proves the power of co-op yet again. Played alone, this game isn’t worth the time or effort due to the tedium. However, add in a friend or three, or at least some decent randos, and suddenly the game takes on a whole new feel and it instantly becomes a treat. It’s certainly not the first game to prove this phenomenon, but nevertheless, if you have some buddies to play with, keep Strange Brigade on your radar.
Video Chums
August 27, 2018
Strange Brigade definitely took me by surprise as it's one of the most fun-filled cooperative online games out there. The amount of variety makes the gameplay constantly enjoyable and working together with friends is super-satisfying.
GamePro Germany
September 23, 2018
Entertaining co-op shooter, brightened up with puzzles, that shows its top form with several players.
August 27, 2018
If you’re looking for an addictive co-op game, don’t hesitate to buy Strange Brigade! This game is very cool, from beginning to end. Nevertheless, if you want to play alone it can be much less enjoyable. Its best played with a group of friends, then you’ll have a grin from ear to ear.
August 27, 2018
Strange Brigade brought me the most laughs of any game I’ve played in a long time and really packs the fun to boot. The narrator’s wit brings so much personality to a premise that we’ve seen before that it feels like an entirely new experience. The style and aesthetic of the game reflects the layer of polish that can be felt in the level design and combat (barring the bizarre snap-to melee) and adds to the player’s lighthearted destruction of the undead masses.
August 27, 2018
Strange Brigade is a delightful title that is sure to make waves and tickle pink everyone who picks it up. It's lighthearted, carefree and is a great game to dive into for indiscriminate slaughter of ancient Egyptian zombies.
August 28, 2018
Strange Brigade is a jolly good wheeze. The 1930’s matinee cinema styling makes it unlike any other game on market and that’s a rare treat. The campaign, although dragging in a few spots, is just the right length and has replayability thanks to the many hidden treats to discover, while the score attack mode and horde modes are pleasant, if rather flimsy, distractions.
August 28, 2018
Should you buy Strange Brigade? If you have some friends looking to invest some time in this game playing with you (and some money too, since they’ll have to buy their own copies) then yes, absolutely. With pals, this is a great ride. Looking to go solo? Um, it’s a bit more of a hard sell. You can jump in with people online of course, but it’s not the same as your friends being along for the ride.
August 28, 2018
It's a rather spiffing package, all told, that manages to find the perfect blend of rip-roaring adventure, explosive gunplay, treacherous traps, fiendish puzzling, and crate-loads of loot. Whether tackling it solo or with a group of chums, it's a title very much geared towards repeated playthroughs, which should be enough to give fellow relic hunters, Nathan Drake and Lara Croft, a run for their money. Indiana who?
Worth Playing
August 28, 2018
All in all, Strange Brigade is a solid and enjoyable co-op shooter with a lot of heart. It doesn't necessarily redefine the genre, but the combat mechanics are fun, the traps are delightful, the variety of characters is interesting, and in general, it's just a whole lot of fun to play. Get together three friends, burn through a horde of zombies, and you'll have a fantastic time. The only caveat is that the game should be played co-op. It's a tougher game to justify when you're playing solo.
Gaming Nexus
September 12, 2018
Strange Brigade is a rollicking good time, allowing teams of four to take on armies of the undead in a solid approximation of a 1930’s serial film. There are tons of mechanics to play with and puzzles to solve, but in the end, this is a fun, fast-paced shooter with awesome graphics and enjoyable multiplayer. There was no need for Strange Brigade to try to be anything more, it is plenty great as it is.
Playstation Official Magazine UK
September 22, 2018
A great campaign (with Score Attack mode for extra replayability), and an evergreen Horde mode. Fun when played with friends, with strangers,
and when played alone? How strange.
IGN Italia
August 27, 2018
Strange Brigade is a visceral, frantic and ultimately funny third person shooter. Nothing more, nothing less.
August 28, 2018
Strange Brigade is a fun and well-made third person shooter, packed with a simple but catchy formula, especially if played with friends.
August 27, 2018
While Strange Brigade can be frustrating at times, the charm of its 1930s world, the wonderfully exaggerated English alliteration of its narrator, and solid level design, combat encounters, and four-player co-op make it a strong, stylish third-person shooter.
August 27, 2018
An honest title also and perhaps above all in its being without particular ambitions, with the adventurous flavor of videogames (and movies!) Of the past.
Critical Hit
August 28, 2018
At its best, Strange Brigade is a solid time-killer with plenty of class and brass to its name that is best enjoyed with a few fellow adventurers at your side as you tackle co-op conundrums. Hit or miss gunplay hobbles the experience, but at least Strange Brigade has plenty of charm and style to fall back on.