Street Fighter X Mega Man Critic Reviews
11 Total Reviews
8 Positive Reviews(72.7%)
3 Mixed Reviews(27.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Cheat Code Central
December 19, 2012
But hey-it's a fan-made Mega Man/Street Fighter crossover, complete with lots of stages and great boss fights, released for free with Capcom's blessing. It's hard to imagine anything cooler than that, and hardcore Mega Man fans will be more than willing to sink hours into mastering each and every stage, discovering tricks and secrets along the way.
Gamer Limit
December 18, 2012
All in all, Street Fighter X Mega Man is a noble effort. Although a number of levels could use a lot of tweaks, and it feels unpolished at times, you really can't go wrong with playing it, as it has a ton of heart. I wouldn't put it above the contemporary classic Mega Man 9, but it's a much more solid effort than the soulless Mega Man 10.
Game Informer
December 19, 2012
Nothing should stop you from downloading Street Fighter X Mega Man and giving it a shot. After all, it's free. Street Fighter X Mega Man pales in comparison to the rest of the classic entries, but it's still a wonderful test of the waters for newcomers and a charming experiment for lifelong fans.
January 2, 2013
A greatly enjoyable game that fans of both series' will find a lot to love. Though it's short and strays away a bit from traditional Mega Man games, Street Fighter x Mega Man is a great play that you honestly have little reason not to experience.
January 22, 2013
A great retro throwback and a amazing way to start the birthday of Mega Man. The mix of Mega Man gameplay and Street Fighter locations, music and characters works great, and if you are a fan of either one of the series there is something to love in SF X MM. Because the game is free there is absolutely no reason to not try this game.
January 14, 2013
You can worship a game like Street Fighter X Mega Man ​or you can hate it after a few minutes, especially if you are not nostalgic of the 8-bit era and if you are allergic to gaming frustration.
December 18, 2012
A fine game that Mega Man fans will enjoy once or twice, but one without that special something that would allow it to rise to the greatness Mega Man so regularly reached in its heyday.
December 19, 2012
Street Fighter X Mega Man is not the best or most polished Mega Man game around, but it's solid effort by a very dedicated fan. I hope it does it well enough to convince Capcom that there is life yet in this franchise. In the meanwhile, just enjoy the crossover fun for its cleverness and not its missteps.
Games Master UK
March 24, 2013
Mega Man's back, and inconsistencies aside, fans will lap up the new content.
December 20, 2012
Still far from the classic games starring Rockman, but it's fun and manages to bring back the memories of those titles. The addition of Street Fighter characters and, above all, the mere fact of it being free make it worth a try.
Edge Magazine
December 19, 2012
Embracing and supporting a community project like this is still a commendable move, and one that Mega Man's passionate fans may see as encouraging. But only his most die-hard followers will be willing to overlook such unwelcome, avoidable flaws.