
Strider 2 Critic Reviews

15 Total Reviews

11 Positive Reviews(73.3%)
3 Mixed Reviews(20%)
1 Negative Reviews(6.7%)

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Game Fan June 5, 2024
All the bosses in "Strider 2" look awesome, and hopefully, will inspire younger players to realize what a real side-scrolling action game should be like.
IGN June 5, 2024
It's enormously fun -- and isn't that what really matters in the end?
Core Magazine June 5, 2024
If you're looking for a deliciously shallow, unquestionably mindless action platformer (the kind they don't make like they did back in the proverbial day), "Strider 2" is a perfect shelter from the storm of "Tomb Raider" clones diluting the market.
GameSpot June 5, 2024
The double set of "Strider 1" and "2" is an excellent starter kit for the uninitiated, but for veterans of the series, it's like dinner without the dessert.
Hot Games June 5, 2024
Not only is it a fun, clean, and interesting platform game, but it includes the original game as well -- two games for one low price.
PSX Nation June 5, 2024
Even with "Strider 1" as a bonus game, it shouldn't take more than 2-3 hours to complete both games, and there isn't much to make you want to play the games again.
Da Gameboyz June 5, 2024
Despite any downsides this game might have, "Strider 2" delivers what it was meant to -- sheer fun.
CNET Gamecenter June 5, 2024
A solid retro title -- it's over quickly, and the graphics are rough, but the gameplay triumphs.
Happy Puppy June 5, 2024
A good three to four hours of fast-paced fun if you take the time to find the secrets, thus making it perfect for a weekend rental.
GamePro June 5, 2024
You can easily beat the game in one sitting -- pretty disappointing, especially for "Strider" veterans.
All Game Guide June 5, 2024
Hacking enemies to pieces never seems to get old. That said, the sequel offers little challenge and doesn't take very long to complete.
Daily Radar June 5, 2024
The difference is purely in level design, which is creative and interesting in the first game ("Strider") and pure crap in the second.
Adrenaline Vault June 5, 2024
Only dedicated fans of side scrollers should tackle this title, as even those enamored with the titular character will be disappointed by the lack of new developments for the Strider franchise, especially after such an extended wait.
Game Revolution June 5, 2024
The sound is forgettable (which I nearly did), the graphics are sub-par, yet the gameplay is simple...and I like it.
CheckOut June 5, 2024
Unfortunately, actually playing "Strider 2" also drove me to tears, but not the joyous tears of teenage nostalgia, oh no: the bitter tears of disappointment. And boredom.