
Sudeki Critic Reviews

75 Total Reviews

53 Positive Reviews(70.7%)
22 Mixed Reviews(29.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Maxim Online May 6, 2024
Action fans might balk at what sounds like a standard role-playing game opening, but Sudeki soon bursts into the most intense, bone-crunching combat you'll find on any platform.
RewiredMind May 6, 2024
Despite being set in another dimension, Sudeki feels believable and somehow real.
Warcry May 6, 2024
I found it difficult to play it for more than an hour or so until I was four hours into it, due to just the awkward feel to the controls and game. Once you get over the hump, though, then you start being able to spend hours playing without realizing it.
VGPub May 6, 2024
A great game that isn't given the justice it deserves. There was a lot of hype surrounding this game when it was first announced and as far as I am concerned it has delivered.
Extreme Gamer May 6, 2024
Sudeki tries a new path and gives us real time combat instead of the normal turn-based style which works. Sudeki plays like an eastern role-playing game, with western combat ideas.
Next Level Gaming May 6, 2024
Another Climax masterpiece.
All Game Guide May 6, 2024
The monsters are determined to destroy the characters' home world, so players will need to perfect various combos and team attacks in order to survive.
GamePro May 6, 2024
A solid mix of story, action, and adventure, Sudeki does just about everything one would expect. The main quest could have been longer -- it clocks in a bit shy of 20 hours -- but the length is more than made up for by the complete immersion factor of the world.
Armchair Empire May 6, 2024
Despite having a few rough edges, Sudeki is a very good game that will keep you playing (over and over). There's so much to see and the story plays out like a good movie that keeps you entranced to the final credits roll.
Game Over Online May 6, 2024
Sudeki's graphics are really impressive, both in terms of technical and artistic achievement. The world of Sudeki is one continuous experience, slicing a swath from vast location to location is seamless.
Gamer's Hell May 6, 2024
I think that it should have at least been a co-op game. Controlling four characters at once in a real time combat situation is just nuts. I could compare it to Might and Magic without the turn based system. It's manageable, however, I would have preferred to share the burden with someone else.
XGP Gaming May 6, 2024
The combat system really shines in Sudeki. This is not another slow turn-based RPG.
Gamezilla! May 6, 2024
it's not going to be game of the year or even in the top five RPGs either but Sudeki still offers something worth playing and given enough time, most will come to appreciate the innovation and unique RPG it offers.
TotalGames.net May 6, 2024
Playing through those 30 or so hours is one of the most enjoyable Xbox experiences around, as the game can be played at the player's own pace. There's no rushing to meet timed events or missing out on special items that only appear for half an hour.
Gamer's Pulse May 6, 2024
Provides some of the best action oriented combat sequences we have seen in a while on the Xbox with a touch of RPG elements thrown in for game depth. Vast and varied environments, unique special attacks and lively characters bring Sudeki to life but several small oversights become apparent as your progress.
Gamers' Temple May 6, 2024
It obviously tries to emulate Japanese style console RPGs, but it fails to deliver the story depth or puzzle challenge common to those games.
DarkStation May 6, 2024
Solid in all departments. It has some great RPG elements but nothing that is going to catch the gaming market's eye quite like "Knights of the Old Republic."
Stuff May 6, 2024
The graphics are fantastic, particularly in the later stages, when some of the epic battle scenes are rivaled only by what goes on in your local trailer park.
GameBiz May 6, 2024
Although the water textures could have used a bit of work, the engine for the water makes it all look breathtaking as you watch the waves come in from offshore.
Worth Playing May 6, 2024
In addition to being easy, Sudeki is ridiculously short, clocking in at twenty-five hours max. For a game that was purported to be the first real epic RPG on Xbox, this is almost incomprehensible.