
Super Dungeon Maker Critic Reviews

8 Total Reviews

5 Positive Reviews(62.5%)
3 Mixed Reviews(37.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Noisy Pixel May 3, 2023
Super Dungeon Maker gives players the tools to create their own retro dungeon crawlers but does it in a user-friendly way that gives anyone playing the chance to create or play these nostalgic dungeons. This release out of Early Access has all the tools someone needs to make the dungeon of their dreams, so here’s to hoping the community stays strong.
Video Chums May 29, 2023
Super Dungeon Maker nails what made the classic Zelda dungeons fun while letting you intuitively create and share your own; great stuff.
Hardcore Gamer May 8, 2023
Super Dungeon Maker is a wonderful but flawed creation experience so far. It’s painfully easy to lose time working on a dungeon for hours, crafting every little element to make things feel perfect and add little decorations as a finishing touch. The key downside are the current bugs and glitches that occur semi-frequently. While building is fantastic, it’s easy to glitch things accidentally and never be able to repair them which could hinder an entire creation in one fell swoop. There’s so much to love here that we hope it gets fixed so more can enjoy one of the best dungeon-building creators out there. For those on the fence it’s best to wait until more patches come around, but Super Dungeon Maker is a delight that we can’t wait to see fix its handful of problems and get to the meat of exploration creation.
ZTGD May 25, 2023
Overall, this is a great program as long as nothing else is expected other than dungeon creation and playing. It’s pretty easy to use and there’s definitely an audience that is going to make crazy dungeons with it, but that audience isn’t me. If they implement a dungeon code system, I can see myself being a player rather than a contributor, but anyone looking to make Zelda dungeons (and only dungeons) this is exactly what you are looking for.
Starbit August 18, 2023
Super Dungeon Maker brings together dungeon building with dungeon exploration in an effort that stimulates the player's creativity and whose very active online community ensures there's plenty to look for when it comes to design ideas. Keeping this community running at such a level will be very important to ensure Super Dungeon Maker's longterm appeal.
Meristation July 21, 2023
With barely limits fort its future content, it needs some collaboration from its community. Without it, it feels an almost empty game, with no Story Mode that it would be great.
God is a Geek May 9, 2023
Super Dungeon Maker has its fair share of issues, but if you want to make Zelda inspired dungeons with ease you'll have a lot of fun with it.
Nintendo Life May 3, 2023
Super Dungeon Maker has a lot of potential and perhaps with time it’ll become something great. For now, it feels like an egg that still needs significantly more time to incubate before it can hatch. Intuitive creator controls, an endless well of community-crafted content, and charming visuals are all big positives here, but the lack of any overarching progression, no touchscreen controls, and it feeling generally unfinished really hold this one back from being anything exceptional. If you have faith that the developers will eventually realize the full scope of their vision, then we’d certainly encourage you to crack this one open, but those who are more wary of early-access titles will want to wait and see. Super Dungeon Maker is just an average experience for now — here’s hoping that it eventually delivers on its promise.