
Super Mario 3D Land Critic Reviews

82 Total Reviews

82 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GamePro November 9, 2011
The tired, princess-saving formula never seems to change, but somehow Nintendo makes every visit to the Mushroom Kingdom feel like the first time.
Gaming Age November 9, 2011
I'm literally floored by how much I enjoyed it, and I find it quickly rising in the ranks as one of my favorite Super Mario titles.
Modojo November 10, 2011
Is it more imaginative than Super Mario Galaxy? No. Will it revolutionize gaming like Super Mario 64. Hardly. Do either of these questions matter? Absolutely not, and don't let anyone prove otherwise. Super Mario 3D Land is the epitome of fun. Most importantly, it's a shining example of everything that's good and wholesome about video games.
Telegraph November 11, 2011
The charm, inventiveness and knowing nods to Mario heritage bring constant smiles, and it's not only a superb Mario game but a fantastic advert for the hardware it appears on. A perfect starting point for newcomers to the series, or a nostalgic throwback for Mario die-hards that still manages to be incredibly contemporary. Whichever category you fall into, one thing's for sure; handheld platforming simply does not get better than this.
Game Revolution November 15, 2011
Super Mario 3D Land is one of the best Mario games in recent memory. It's better than New Super Mario Bros. and just about on par with Galaxy. A few months back I stated that Ocarina of Time 3D was the premier reason to own a 3DS. That is no longer the case. Mario is still Nintendo's man to move hardware, even if he is a bit late to the party.
Gameblog.fr November 16, 2011
A platformer of great quality, visually stunning, and offering an interesting architecture filled with funny and interesting details making a brilliant use of the stereoscopic 3D. It sure is a little too easy for the most part, probably because of it wants to remain as accessible as possible, making its first few levels a walk in the park for the fan, but its charms work nonetheless. It's hard to look elsewhere once you started diving into its worlds, before actually finishing them entirely... as expected, it's a must-have of the platform.
Digital Spy November 19, 2011
Mario's best handheld game in years, and even when put up against his acclaimed console offerings, it's yet another sublime adventure crammed with surprises and smiles every few minutes. It's also perhaps the first 3DS title that makes the screen an integral part of the game rather than an eye-catching afterthought.
Guardian November 21, 2011
The meticulous craft that has gone into its ingenious design is enough to warrant admiration from even those players who have no time for the portly plumber. As for the rest of you – and we're assuming you're Mario fans – you're in for a real treat.
Eurogamer Sweden November 22, 2011
Super Mario 3D Land is a perfect blend between the new and the old. It's a near perfect piece of Nintendo entertainment and the best game in the series since the masterpiece Super Mario 64.
GameShark December 19, 2011
There's no question – if you own a 3DS, this is the best game on the platform, and instantly worthy of a purchase. It's one of the best portable platformers I've ever played (and I've had my fair share), and an almost shockingly good Mario title on any platform.
NZGamer December 5, 2011
It's the best game on the 3DS and it justifies the purchase of the system all by itself.
Game Informer November 9, 2011
Super Mario 3D Land isn't perfect, but the few complaints I have (like the lack of variety in boss fights and some re-hashed levels) can't bring down this entertaining mix of nostalgia and innovation. It lives up to the level of quality set by previous entries and is easily the best reason to own a 3DS.
IGN November 9, 2011
With an expertly balanced difficulty progression, dazzling level design and masterful Power-Ups, this is the ideal 3DS experience...As a whole, 3D Land is brilliant and addictive, and should do for 3D-enhanced platforming what the original Super Mario Bros. did for 2D platforming. If you own a 3DS system, you have no choice - you simply must own this game.
NintendoWorldReport November 9, 2011
EAD Tokyo's 3DS debut is marvelous, and filled with almost endless creativity.
Multiplayer.it November 22, 2011
It's not just the killer application the 3DS was waiting for, it's also one of the most enjoyables platformers in years, filled with creative ideas and offering a perfect balance between tradition and innovation.
Universo Nintendo November 25, 2011
Everyone wanted to know where Mario would go after conquering the universe (twice) on the Wii, and with this new adventure, Nintendo gave the answer. To alternate dimensions? No. To home.
Game Over Online December 8, 2011
3D Land delivers an experience that will satisfy long-time fans of the franchise while also making it accessible enough for newcomers to enjoy.
DailyGame December 12, 2011
A fantastic platforming title that uses 3D in gaming ways that no other title has yet to do. Classic costumes like the Tanooki and Hammer Bros. suits make appearances, and easy to earn extra lives make this accessible by all age groups.
Digital Chumps November 10, 2011
Super Mario 3D Land proves that there is still an innovative direction that platforming can take even after the constant innovation seen throughout the history of Mario. This game may not be as creative as Galaxy (really what is?) but the different camera perspectives and depth based gameplay, along with all sorts of platforming styles meshed into one game make for a worthy Mario title for the 3DS.
Official Nintendo Magazine UK November 17, 2011
Super Mario 3D Land is superb. The care and attention put into every aspect of it is beyond words and the only real problem point - the difficulty - is blown away by its remarkable post-credits reveal. This is the first truly essential, completely new title for the 3DS.