
Super Mario Galaxy Critic Reviews

73 Total Reviews

73 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Deeko May 20, 2024
It's rare to play through a perfect game or one that nears perfection, but Galaxy definitely fits that mold.
Eurogamer May 20, 2024
Where Galaxy matches "Mario 64" is not quite in its quality of execution - alongside the brilliance of some stars are others which fall a bit flat, and there isn't the overall sense of implacable perfection that that game had - but in its confidence and originality.
GamePro May 20, 2024
Super Mario Galaxy raises the bar in terms of what can be achieved on the Wii. Galaxy is the kind of game that you're going to want to take your time with because there is just so much to do in the game. This is the first game in a long time that I've actually gone back and replayed levels just for fun. It's everything you loved about Mario 64 and nothing you hated about "Super Mario Sunshine."
GameSpy May 20, 2024
If you enjoy playing the best, then you absolutely need to play Super Mario Galaxy. It's our favorite Wii game this year, and a strong contender for the best game of the year.
PALGN May 20, 2024
Super Mario Galaxy is without doubt the finest game Nintendo have produced this decade - endorsements don’t come much stronger than that.
GameTap May 20, 2024
There’s such a great deal of diversity throughout Super Mario Galaxy’s level design that it’s hard not to get excited when a new area opens, knowing that there’s a whole new set of puzzles and obstacles designed around the theme of the level...It’s because of these moments that Super Mario Galaxy generates a consistent level of excitement throughout the entire experience that few games can replicate.
Game Revolution May 20, 2024
It’s got megatons of style, inventiveness, playability and replayability…and all the while, it still manages to feel like sunshine, candy and the glory days of 3D console videogaming yore.
NintendoWorldReport May 20, 2024
A giant leap for the platforming genre. Freed from the shackles of traditional 3-D platforming, the game is much more than just "Mario 64" set in space. I never thought I’d describe a Mario game as “epic," but that’s exactly what it is.
Gaming Age May 20, 2024
Super Mario Galaxy is an out of this world experience that is spectacularly amazing in every imaginable aspect. It creates a constant sense of wonder that manages to permanently transplant a grin on my face while playing. Even when I died I was smiling. No game has ever done that to me before and it's truly a testament to how perfectly fine-tuned it is.
Armchair Empire May 20, 2024
The game comes together so well and with so much polish and fun, that Wii owners should not let Super Mario Galaxy slip them by.
Yahoo! May 20, 2024
Super Mario Galaxy is a reminder that games don't have to be ultra-violent, make clever social statements or ride the marketing machine to succeed. They simply have to be fun, and you'd be hard pressed to find one as genuinely enjoyable as Mario's latest.
G4 TV May 20, 2024
Mario Galaxy is one of those charming, perfect achievements that remind you why Nintendo saved our pastime in 1985 and has reinvigorated it in 2007 with the Wii and the best game made yet for the system. Hell, this is better than "Super Mario 64," not as revolutionary, but a better game. Do yourself a favor, play it and smile.
Play Magazine May 20, 2024
As redefining an experience as "Super Mario 64" was, and we can all remember how that game made us feel, Super Mario Galaxy is the most profound game since "Super Mario Bros." defined action gaming on the NES. There’s something almost transcendental about SMG.
Total Video Games May 20, 2024
A decade on from "Mario 64" and Miyamoto delivers another landmark title, one that almost grips the term 'instant classic' with both hands tightly right from the off. Innovative level design, original gameplay, the best graphics and soundtrack on Wii to date, and the return to form of the first true superstar of videogames (sorry "Pac-Man") means that Galaxy will no doubt be looked back upon in years to come with the same level of veneration as "Mario 64" is today.
Thunderbolt May 20, 2024
The multi-surfaced design is a refreshing take on an otherwise stale gaming genre. The simple, responsive controls and steady learning curve ensure that any gamer, be they the child who gets this for his or her birthday or the weathered gaming vet, can sit down and give this game a spin.
Hardcore Gamer May 20, 2024
What I've been experiencing since first putting this game in my Wii is the culmination of several lifetimes of game design mastery by its creators.
WHAM! Gaming May 20, 2024
The game is so consistently fresh, it's desperately hard to stop playing.
Edge Magazine May 20, 2024
Since the end of the N64 era, as Nintendo has explored new pastures and methodically tended old ones, it’s been easy to forget the times when every major release from the company felt like this. It’s a bravura piece of design that pulls off stunts no one else has even thought of.
NTSC-uk May 20, 2024
Mario has not grown older, but younger with time: more slender, more supple, more graceful. It is as if the boundaries of the genre have become transparent, allowing a unique light to shine forth. Super Mario Galaxy will influence gaming perceptions, sure to replenish any lost passion. It will frequently hug your inner child, evoke tears of joy and tug at the heart. It is everything we have always desired, more than we could possibly have dreamed.
DailyGame May 20, 2024
Super Mario Galaxy is a Wii masterpiece and the gameplay is out of this world. Don't be a Koopa; try out what may be the best Wii game yet.