
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD Critic Reviews

24 Total Reviews

10 Positive Reviews(41.7%)
13 Mixed Reviews(54.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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MGG October 29, 2019
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD is a very good remaster, in addition to being an excellent game. It's beautiful, fluid, has very interesting gameplay, almost flawless controls, and a rather dense content. In other words, it's an almost perfect experience. We highly recommend all veterans to replay this gem on recent platforms and all neophytes to go discover Super Monkey Ball with this opus. In the end, after seeing everything the title offers, we would still like to have a longer and more extensive "Main Game".
App Trigger October 29, 2019
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD is a good refresher to a franchise that was slowly falling into obscurity. While not being the heaviest hitter back in ‘06, the HD remake trims a lot of the fat and refines areas that were not as strong.
XGN October 29, 2019
Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD promises the old and trusted gameplay we know and love, but with an all new graphic layout that promises hours of fun.
Nintenderos October 29, 2019
The Super Monkey Ball franchise returns in HD along with 100 challenging levels, 10 mini-games that we can play with friends and new modes. If you have patience, you want a challenge and you can ignore its issues, this arcade title will be perfect for short gaming sessions.
Universo Nintendo October 30, 2019
Banana Blitz HD has a game proposal that caters to a 5 to 11 year old audience and is good for family play. Even with simple gameplay, the game fails due to the lack of camera control in classic mode and the absence of a local multiplayer in decatlhon mode.
Nintendo Force Magazine April 30, 2020
Sadly, about 10% of the game stands in the way of enjoying the other 90.
Destructoid October 29, 2019
As a return effort the core of Super Monkey Ball is there with Banana Blitz HD, it’ll just be hard to turn people onto it unless you’re going in with a solo mindset.
Hardcore Gamer October 29, 2019
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD isn’t a perfect recreation of the original game due to some things being improved and others being taken away. The overall presentation is more enjoyable when it comes to the main game, but the massive drop-off in mini-game selection hurts the replay value.
COGconnected October 29, 2019
Despite the steep difficulty curve and lack of any real new content, Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD is a noted improvement over the original version of the game. It runs very well, and isn't a huge space-eater either, coming in at 1.4GB, allowing it to fit nicely alongside your other digital titles. This is also thankfully not a full-price title, so those looking to dust off their monkey ball skills can do so without breaking the bank. Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD does a lot well, but it's just not quite as ripe as the rest of the bunch.
Hobby Consolas October 29, 2019
The new remaster version of Super Monkey Ball is a good choice to have fun without huge pretensions. Revive old experiences in any platform.
DualShockers October 29, 2019
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD has a solid single- player mode that, if not slightly lacking in content, gives players an addictive rush that makes them want to come back for more. But that same heady rush is often tempered by controls that become your biggest obstacles at times. Paired with an extremely weak multiplayer experience that is missing a huge chunk of content, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz becomes harder to recommend.
Nintendo Life October 29, 2019
Back in the day, we gave the Wii version a crushing 4/10 score and said ‘if the controls were good then you could double the score’. Little did we know that over a decade later, our words would ring (almost) true. With more usable controls you can finally enjoy this batch of 100 levels for what they are, but the wider game is let down by weird leaderboard decisions and those lacklustre mini-games. The best monkey-in-a-ball game since Super Monkey Ball 2, sure, but not quite a return to the series heyday.
Cubed3 October 29, 2019
Not the entry fans of the series would have preferred to see get ported, but Banana Blitz HD is worth checking out for anyone that never played it on Wii, or those that just couldn't deal with the motion controls back then. It isn't the best example of what Super Monkey Ball is all about, as the unnecessary difficulty of the stages, additional random elements and terrible boss battles can really hamper the fun, but as a party game, it still hits the spot. If you really miss playing with monkeys in balls, this is your best option right now, but let's hope SEGA sees fit to bring the superior first two games over in the near future.
The Digital Fix October 30, 2019
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD could be a wonderfully fun and enjoyable game. Sadly, control difficulties and horrendous camera mechanics greatly diminish the fun to be had.
GameGrin November 8, 2019
While it’s welcome to see one of Sega’s most original IPs return to modern consoles, Banana Blitz HD is far from the series at its best and one that purists will find wanting.
Switch Player November 12, 2019
Super Money Ball: Banana Blitz HD feels at odds with both its former self and the new hardware it is running on. It lacks the functions, features and creativity to bring this Sega series back to where it belongs — in the hearts of many a gamer.
GamingTrend October 29, 2019
In the end, Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD will satisfy fans with its lovingly new remade visuals and presentation. While the single-player mode is much more improved thanks to analog controls, the new multiplayer elements are drab and will damper your experience should you want something to play with friends. These are some Super Monkey Balls you should probably play with yourself rather than others.
NintendoWorldReport October 29, 2019
After spending time with Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD, I’m still confused as to why this specific game was the pick to revive the franchise. The 10 mini-games included aren’t that strong and the main game is mediocre at best, dragged down by the motion-focused level design and abysmal boss battles. On one hand, I was happy to play Super Monkey Ball again, but on the other, I wish I could play a better Super Monkey Ball game.
GameSpot October 29, 2019
It's lovely to have Super Monkey Ball back, but Banana Blitz HD is not a good showcase of what made the series work. It's a remake of a game that was originally designed for a very different, specific purpose and control scheme, and the efforts made to update it for 2019 have made for a lesser game. It's a shame, because a glimmer of what made the series great remains, and it's enough to make us hope that someday we get a new entry that properly returns the series to its roots.
Shacknews October 30, 2019
The game is less welcoming to new players as its predecessors, and the Main Game campaign mode feels disjointed with uninspired and annoying boss battles. I wanted to like this game, as I am a huge fan of the franchise, but this banana does not pass the smell test.