Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Critic Reviews
34 Total Reviews
23 Positive Reviews(67.6%)
11 Mixed Reviews(32.4%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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November 23, 2016
Sword Art Online Hollow Realization is an almost perfect imitation of an MMO. The game feels like one, but is more JRPG than MMO. There is tons of stuff to do in a massive world. And it is lots of fun for fans, but also for newcomers to the franchise.
Hardcore Gamer
November 14, 2016
This is simply a must play for Sword Art Online fans. For those interested in the world and action, the narrative does a decent enough job introducing returning characters, with the option to skip the reintroduction for returning players, allowing Hollow Realization to serve as a perfectly fine entry point into the series. Overall, this is easily the best Sword Art Online game yet. Hopefully, the trend will continue into the future.
November 17, 2016
This new installment of the Sword Art saga comes to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita with brand new gameplay and great graphics that will be entertaining for the fans of the saga.
God is a Geek
November 24, 2016
With it being the first SAO game set outside the anime, it does a good job of creating a new story, even if it takes some time to get going.
IGN Italia
October 23, 2017
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization is a good JRPG. It's made with diligence, dedicated to anime fans from which it's drawn, but also suitable for simple lovers of the genre.
Hobby Consolas
November 8, 2016
SAO Hollow Realization is an interesting MMORPG Simulator that fans of the saga will like. The Japanese voices and the ambience are its strengths, but its complex battle system and the modest variety of missions and enemies can subtract interest.
November 30, 2016
Yes, the visuals are far from perfect, the multiplayer is scraggy while the character editor is superficial, but on the other hand the MMO atmosphere is convincing and the scenario is interesting.
November 11, 2016
Good sequel of one of the most unique and enjoyable JRPGs out there. The Cross Save function between PS4 and PS Vita is a good addition.
November 12, 2016
Its production values might make it look like an average game, but once we get into it we discover how much it has to offer. If you enjoyed the franchise before, it won't disappoint you.
November 17, 2016
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization is an enormous title, especially when compared to his most recent predecessor. Unfortunately the game is once again devoid of a charismatic antagonist and a solid storyline.
November 29, 2016
An MMO without social obligations is a nice concept in and of itself. The story's decent and the gameplay amusing. Mediocre graphics put a bit of a damper on things though.
December 7, 2016
I feel conflicted about Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization, because while it’s never been more interesting to play as a game, the fact that its narrative is typical of latter-day Sword Art Online stories has actually become something of a liability.
November 18, 2016
Hollow Realization does a splendid job in providing solid gameplay and producing an original story. As a player who does not like replaying the same story told in other mediums, Hollow Realization was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise repetitive series. The amount of character customization, party options, and side quests will be sure to keep players satisfied.
IGN Spain
November 23, 2016
A game sustained by its combat system and its attractive history, although it is so repetitive.
December 20, 2016
Hollow Realization is easily the best game based on the SAO Series; however its far from perfect. Albeit it offers a functional scheme of controls, a rich world to explore and an ambitious relations system, its weak and boring story, confusing menus and poor character AI make this game a hard test for all those die-hard fans. If you are a desperate gamer then maybe you will have a difficult time with this game; if you prevail all of its flaws, then you will get rewarded with a game that overflows with personality and fanservice.
PlayStation LifeStyle
November 8, 2016
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization is anything but hollow. There is an almost unbelievable amount of story content, with side stories piled high on top of that.
November 14, 2016
It’s great to see how far the games have come in terms of managing all those damn menus, presenting an experience that is true to the source material, and figuring out how to take the combat system and make it fun and fluid. But in the end, it feels a bit too safe.
November 16, 2016
Hollow Realization is the strongest iteration of Sword Art Online to date, and an easy recommendation for fans of the anime and previous games.
November 18, 2016
The only real problem that Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization has is that it’s a little too steady and a little too laid-back. The premise is that this is Sword Art but without the death, and really without those stakes, and with its tepid narrative, you may begin to question why you’re grinding through so much of the game. That being said, this is the best digital rendition of Sword Art Online thus far, and goes a long way to capturing the essence of the show – warts and all.
Push Square
November 19, 2016
An improperly paced plot and annoying artificial intelligence aside, Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization is the best Sword Art Online game on PS4. It's utterly packed with content, from the lengthy main campaign and tons of optional side quests all the way through to challenging co-op trials and even dating sim minigames.