Syndrome Critic Reviews
18 Total Reviews
3 Positive Reviews(16.7%)
14 Mixed Reviews(77.8%)
1 Negative Reviews(5.6%)
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October 21, 2016
If you like the tension of Alien Isolation, you will like Syndrome. But you have to be able to ignore the frequent trial & error, which in combination with long loading times can get to you.
IGN Spain
October 4, 2016
Syndrome is a frightening experience that reuses the outer space - survival horror medley; it makes us suffer thanks to its overwhelming difficulty and mechanics: run and hide... or die.
Hooked Gamers
October 7, 2016
Anyone looking purely for tension and scares could, and should, check this out. Anyone hoping for scares - and - a captivating plot will likely be disappointed.
October 10, 2016
Syndrome is not outstanding in any aspect, but it works. Still, it borrows from many well-known horror games, which makes it quite predictable.
IGN Denmark
October 14, 2016
Not quite as well accomplished as recent big AAA-hitters in the genre, but nonetheless a fine horror game with nice puzzles.
October 8, 2016
A classic survival horror with clear pros and cons. The game delivers good levels of tension, different types of enemies, good visuals and sounds. Still, some gameplay choices do not feel so right, while the PC version shows some technical flaws. All in all, a pretty decent product first survival game.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
November 5, 2016
Another B-grade survival horror set on the space station. The game has its moments, but mostly it does not surprise you.
November 18, 2016
Where Syndrome should have been a love letter to classic sci-fi horror games, it instead feels like a drunken, rambling text sent at three in the morning.
Game World Navigator Magazine
November 18, 2016
Syndrome wants to be like System Shock, Alien: Isolation and Dead Space at the same time, but these pieces don’t come together to form a pretty picture; instead, they produce a monster not unlike zombies that shamble along Syndrome’s corridors.
PC Games
October 9, 2016
Alien Isolation gave me goosebumps. SOMA enraptured me with its interesting story and underwater-scenario. Dead Space shined through awesomely directed fights. And Syndrome? The horror-game by Camel 101 copies a lot of those outstanding examples, without ever reaching their overall quality. Syndrome has no elements that separate it from other games of this particular genre and thus descends into mediocrity. If you desperately look for something horror related though, Syndrome might entertain you - at least for a little while.
October 7, 2016
Syndrome has a foundation in place to be a creepy horror story that focuses on the desolation of outer space and the madness it can bring, but the execution is a few light years behind. It might give players something more to try out for a Halloween-themed gaming binge, but players might also die of boredom long before they succumb to shock.
October 26, 2016
Syndrome is an extremely atmospheric action, which should be avoided by all cardiac patients and, along with them, even people who have no desire for bug-infested games, poor level design and tragic artificial intelligence.
PLAY! Zine
November 8, 2016
Not a complete disaster, but very close to being one. Syndrome does offer quite a few scary and tense moments, but its sluggish gameplay and bugs make it more of an annoyance to play.
October 6, 2016
It succeeds at being scary, but that is about the only part of the game that lives up to expectations. It’s poorly designed and poorly refined stealth mechanics make for a very frustrating experience, and the game gives you no reason to endure that frustration. There is little to reward you for your troubles.
Eurogamer Italy
October 7, 2016
Syndrome can’t be recommended to any particular player, except to a diehard fan of horror games, even though second-rate games.
October 19, 2016
In short, Syndrome is disappointing. Your level of disappointment will depend on how many horror games you have played as the games Syndrome borrows from are all substantially better.
Riot Pixels
November 25, 2016
Space engineers are trending in horror games, but you'd be better off spending your time with Amanda Ripley from Alien: Isolation or Isaac Clarke from the Dead Space series.
October 7, 2016
Syndrome might offer a beautiful ship to look at, but it’s a buggy mess that fails to get the essentials right. This lovely ship can’t make up for an ugly everything else.