Tactics Ogre: Reborn Critic Reviews
33 Total Reviews
30 Positive Reviews(90.9%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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November 10, 2022
In a world where we've seen Square Enix fall down with remasters (examples include the lacklustre Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters and the egregious Kingdom Hearts on Switch), Tactics Ogre: Reborn highlights something special – a change of the guard, so to speak, that bodes remarkably well for the rest of the publisher's classic RPG oeuvre.
Noisy Pixel
November 10, 2022
Tactics Ogre Reborn is a remake that filled me with joy and nostalgia for something I couldn’t even get close to beating as a kid. It’s an enriching experience with some of the best strategy gameplay around. I hope this leads to remakes of other Ogre Battle games and maybe Final Fantasy Tactics titles while they’re at it.
November 10, 2022
Tactics Ogre: Reborn is hugely successful in its goals to modernise an admittedly old game.
The Mako Reactor
November 10, 2022
Tactics Ogre: Reborn feels like it is a bespoke Nintendo Switch game rather than a remake of an older title. It looks and plays like a dream on the system both docked and handheld, and the addition of proper HD Rumble makes it even better. With Tactics Ogre: Reborn and Triangle Strategy, Square Enix has delivered two of the best tactical RPGs within months of each other on the best platform for the genre.
November 10, 2022
Tactics Ogre: Reborn is a pilgrimage for strategy RPG enthusiasts, an outstanding update for a watershed moment in the genre.
November 10, 2022
This fantastic game just got even better, and there are enough changes and new touches to make it worthwhile for newcomers and veterans alike.
November 10, 2022
This adaptation is the correct way to approach turn-based tactics games, given that its rules are the most intuitive for the user, it can be perfectly enjoyed in these times. If you never gave the portable console remake a chance in your life, it's time to move on to the version that can now be considered the definitive one.
November 10, 2022
Clocking in at over fifty-five hours of gameplay, Tactics Ogre: Reborn is a worthy remake. While there is not an insane amount of improvements compared to the PlayStation Portable version of Let Us Cling Together, this is by far the definitive edition, and it does a great job of welcoming new players while also offering an intense gameplay challenge for veterans. I knew Tactics Ogre was special the moment I had to make those tough decisions at the beginning, and I found myself thinking about it even when not playing. Every battle made me want to proceed to the next because I needed to know Denam’s story. That alone is a testament to how powerful the narrative is, how addictive the gameplay. If you love tactical RPGs and somehow missed this classic, you owe it to yourself to check out Tactics Ogre: Reborn and dive into what is arguably one of the best tactical RPGs ever made.
November 14, 2022
Voiced dialogue aside, Tactics Ogre: Reborn is easily the definitive version of a classic game that’s been through a few very different iterations. Instead of stopping at a graphical overhaul and some quality-of-life features, it reimagines a lot of the game’s core systems in a way that strikes a fine balance between the thematically-fitting brutality of the original and the depth and tactical freedom of the PSP remake. There’s no better way to revisit the legacy of Tactics Ogre than this.
November 15, 2022
Tactics Ogre: Reborn is a excellent refresh of one of the all-time classics of the genre. Those who have any love at all for the genre owe it to themselves to play it if they haven’t before, and even those who have tried another version in the past will find enough improvements and differences to make it worth wading in again. A fine treatment of a game that only seems to get better with age.
Universo Nintendo
December 17, 2022
Tactics Ogre Reborn has been an excellent title since its original release, and the current version is an excellent remastering that molds an old classic with modern qualities, making it the definitive version of this excellent game.
November 14, 2022
Tactics Ogre Reborn has an addictive combat system that is still enjoyable thanks to the quality of life improvements that Square Enix implemented. The story, the decision-making, and even the voice acting are remarkable. However, the game in the visual section does feel old. Replayability is guaranteed.
November 10, 2022
One of the two kings is back (the other one being Final Fantasy Tactics), and it is in a wonderful shape even eleven years after its last appearance. We're not 100% sure this is the best version of this classic, but it's a version no strategy fan should miss nonetheless.
God is a Geek
November 10, 2022
Tactics Ogre Reborn is a fantastic look at the history of tactics games, and is still a blast even now.
December 5, 2022
After 30 years the game proves to be relevant still. Of course with a few tweaks like better graphics and a completely overhauled menu to make the game feel more inviting and balanced. There even is a new gameplay element added to it! It is not the perfect remake, but one you should try.
November 11, 2022
Although several decades have passed since its debut on the market, Tactics Ogre continues to be one of the best exponents of the strategic genre and the new re-edition packaged by Square Enix has been able to greatly increase the smoothness of the experience. Although with some exceptions, the tricks made to the playful dough have been able to rejuvenate the title with an old-school flavor, making it palatable even in the eyes of the new generations. On the flip side, however, the technical sector does not defend itself as well. Our advice is therefore to use it on the small screen of the Nintendo Switch, which thanks to portability will be able to partially mask the age of a milestone like Tactics Ogre.
November 10, 2022
Tactics Ogre's intense tactical combat, in-depth character-building, and excellent storytelling makes it a must-play for strategy-RPG fans. It's wonderful that this game is much more widely available now, and most of the updates and upgrades make the package even better. While some might balk at the $50 price tag for a remake with an iffy graphical and sound overhaul, the superb strategy gameplay and branching story paths will keep your attention for a very long time. While it might not be a perfect remake, it's a damn good one.
Pocket Tactics
November 10, 2022
Tactics Ogre: Reborn doesn’t have to justify its existence. A better looking, grander sounding, easier-to-play version of one of the best TRPGs of all time? Sign me up! But still, this extra beauty doesn’t mean it differs that drastically from its 1995 original, so unless you’re new to the series, you may need it to justify its existence. Either way, it’s good. But then again, it always has been.
Screen Rant
November 10, 2022
Tactics Ogre: Reborn can be a punishing and sometimes unfair experience, but those who rise to the challenge will find a lot of content to explore, an engaging story to experience, and a fantastic battle system to master.
The Enemy
November 10, 2022
Tactics Ogre: Reborn is a unique opportunity to please a very specific niche of RPG fans. It was made to please old time fans without tarnishing the masterpiece from 30 years ago. I assure you this is one of the best games of this genre, even bringing just a few reasons to those who already have experienced this adventure in the past. In any case, I loved revisiting Valeria and I know a lot of that feeling is just pure nostalgia.