July 15, 2020

Tales of Crestoria

Tales of Crestoria
Based on 5 Reviews
Release date
July 15, 2020


Step into this epic anime RPG game set in an original Tales series world, featuring a dramatic storyline and brand new characters! Experience this anime/manga adventure as Kanata and his allies fight to survive through the fantasy world of Crestoria while bearing the weight of their past sins.

Tales of Crestoria Trailer

Critic Reviews5

I’ll continue to keep plugging away at Tales of Crestoria as it’s updated, because I’m genuinely enjoying my time with the game, and love seeing characters like Arche, Farah, Presea, Leon, and all of my other favourites take to the stage once again. I just hope Bandai Namco can manage the bugs a little better and increase the frequency of materials and drops just a bit so people who are less willing to drop lots of money on a gacha can enjoy the story and the additional content at a reasonable pace.
October 19, 2020
Tales of Crestoria is a gorgeous and highly-polished Gacha RPG that's marred by incredibly greedy microtransactions.
August 31, 2020
Tales of Crestoria has a lot to offer fans through its cast of characters and plot that could rival other series’ entries. However, the technical issues will leave you stuck in a loading screen as you experience constant frame drops during every battle. It ultimately made me wish the game was just released on console because, as of right now, I don’t find these unfair gacha systems appealing enough to warrant sitting through the game’s technical complications.
August 16, 2020

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