Tales of Graces Critic Reviews
55 Total Reviews
49 Positive Reviews(89.1%)
6 Mixed Reviews(10.9%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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April 5, 2012
Overall, ToGf is a fun RPG with an absolute ton of things to do through the game.
Cheat Code Central
March 20, 2012
The amount of things to see, do, earn, discover, and create in this game is truly impressive.
March 23, 2012
Not since Tales of Symphonia have I played a Tales game that's felt as whole as Tales of Graces f. It is an engaging, enjoyable, and lengthy game, easily lasting as long as sixty hours. The "Legacies and Lineage" post-game story can add even more time. Tales of Graces f unquestionably stands apart as one of the best games in the series, and as one of the best JRPGs to grace modern consoles yet.
Game Chronicles
March 23, 2012
Tales of Graces f was a trip that I've been waiting to play since before Vesperia. The colorful imagery and youth driven story about friendship are all well told and crafted. This is an adventure North America almost didn't receive and it would a shame for anyone who likes or even loves the Tales series to miss it. Find and pick-up Tales of Graces f for the PS3 today, you won't be disappointed.
Eurogamer Portugal
November 6, 2012
Tales of Graces f is a tale of magic and fantasy with a touch of political and social intrigue easily recommended to anyone who loves this specific genre.
August 28, 2012
Tales of Graces F is a great classic Japanese RPG game, featuring a great story, charming characters, many hours of gameplay, a brilliant battle system and many, many things to do. We need to mention that being only in English might be a problem for those unfamiliar with the language, but if you're a fan of the RPGs, you can't miss it.
September 14, 2012
The real-time battles offer countless variations, you enjoy a lot of freedom. The monumental story about the power of true friendship delivers memorable moments full of humour and drama. One of the best role-playing experiences on the PS3.
Games Master UK
September 17, 2012
There are a few rough edges, but the gameplay and story are strong enough to absorb you.
March 23, 2012
It is heads and shoulders above all of the other JRPGs to release this year and may be one of the best on the PS3. There are things that could have been better but otherwise it's solid. Plus it gives you incentive to play through the whole game again.
Extreme Gamer
March 23, 2012
Tales of Graces f is a fantastic, souped up port of the similarly named 2009 Wii offering. One of the rare J-RPG's to hit North American PS3's, the game's worth the translation wait
Pelit (Finland)
June 20, 2012
Even though there are a few downsides, such as the repetitive dungeon design, Tales of Graces f managed to cheer me up and keep me entertained for the duration of its lengthy quest. A perfect game for the summer.
August 19, 2012
Tales studio delivers another great JRPG -albeit not as great as Vesperia- with a strong narrative and a superb battle system.
September 10, 2012
Tales of Graces ƒ gives you a very interesting, fun story where you totally don't know what your ultimate goal is. And that makes it exciting. The joy you get of playing will help you through the story, which will end in a nice way. And yes, the combat system is awesome.
Digital Chumps
March 14, 2012
An accessible, rewarding, deep, and fun JRPG that has a lot to offer to veteran Tales fans and newcomers alike.
August 22, 2012
Tales of Graces F is a good porting of one of the best entries in the long lasting franchise. It is nowhere innovative and story and characters are quite cliché to be honest, but the stellar combat system and the excellent pacing absolutely make up for it.
Gaming Nexus
April 4, 2012
Even though the F stands for Future, it could also stand for fantastic. Tales of Graces F is a must-have for JRPG fans with its excellent gameplay and wealth of content.
August 10, 2012
Some changes have been made on the graphics and a ten hour epilog was included, which makes the game interesting for newbies as well as fans of the original game. While the storytelling and the gameplay are nice, the graphics aren't as good as in other PS3 RPGs and it's probably a bit to childlike, but all in all Tales of Graces f is a pretty fine remake.
Game Over Online
March 23, 2012
Tales of Graces f is one of the latest Japanese role-playing games filled with tons of nostalgia and charm for loyal fans of the series. It doesn't break any new ground, but it's certainly a welcome and refreshing change of pace from recent titles like Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Hyperdimension Neptunia MK2.
March 13, 2012
It's got a handful of shortcomings, but they're diminished by the fact that this title captures the classic RPG spirit so well. It's the first console RPG in a long time where we've been engrossed enough to explore every nook and cranny, talk to every villager, search everyone's houses, and find all the paths possible in a dungeon.
March 16, 2012
Sure, it's unmistakably familiar, but that's also part of its charm-Tales of Graces f does Japanese RPG conventions exceedingly well, which makes it a must-play for both longtime fans and series newcomers.