Tango Fiesta Critic Reviews
5 Total Reviews
0 Positive Reviews(0%)
3 Mixed Reviews(60%)
2 Negative Reviews(40%)
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June 4, 2017
Tango Fiesta remembers the action culture of the 90’s with an action game based in the double stick shooters that uses procedural maps to face a lot of enemies. But the gameplay and the diversity corrupts this interesting proposal that allows to cooperate up to 4 players in local mode.
May 26, 2017
Tango Fiesta has a few nice touches here and there, but nothing really in the way of originality. It’s not the best twin-stick shooter out there, by a long mile. And it isn’t even the best eighties action film inspired game either. If you like some couch co-op shooting action, then it may be worth a look, but wait until it goes on sale.
June 27, 2017
Gameplay mechanics are flawed, graphics and sound are passable at best, and there is a complete lack of online multiplayer; all of this makes not only the actual value low, but the replay value incredibly low as well. Given the sum of all of its' parts, there's no way I can recommend buying this game at that price. It's a shame because with such a wealth of content available to draw comedic inspiration from, Tango Fiesta just got terminated. If a sequel gets released though, and it fixes the issues of this game, I'll be back.
May 15, 2017
This game has clearly had love put into it from the team, without the bugs and limited content I could easily see it being worth your time and money. Sadly, in its current state, you’re better off playing something else.
June 21, 2017
If you really must engross yourself in some 1980’s film culture, then drag out that old VHS recorder and watch Terminator for the millionth time. Just don’t bother spending time, money or effort on Tango Fiesta.