Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus Critic Reviews
25 Total Reviews
1 Positive Reviews(4%)
20 Mixed Reviews(80%)
4 Negative Reviews(16%)
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Game Chronicles
May 7, 2024
Battle Nexus isn't quite as fun as past games or even as fun as the show itself, but it is pretty solid game overall, and is worth picking up for old times sake, or for the new fan.
Play Magazine
May 7, 2024
Even though the action is stiff, the animation poor and the controls occasionally not as responsive as I'd like, I'm able to overlook it simply because there aren't too many four-player co-op action games out there, let alone ones with platforming elements generously incorporated into the mix - but I'd never play it solo.
Next Level Gaming
May 7, 2024
It's all good until you actually have to start using your martial arts skills. Then it's a lesson in frustration.
Game Informer
May 7, 2024
There are even a few lame vehicular bonus stages thrown in for good measure, but none of the various stage types offer anything close to depth or originality.
May 7, 2024
Improves on its predecessor by including a list of groovy extras and providing each turtle with unique abilities. Battle Nexus also lets you play four-player co-op. Sadly, the shoddy controls, frustrating platform puzzles and sub par enemy AI keep Battle Nexus from succeeding.
Worth Playing
May 7, 2024
The fairly sloppy control made the parts where I was actually interacting with the game less than ideal.
May 7, 2024
Most of Battle Nexus is the same thing as the last game, except this time, it’s been beaten, bruised, and bludgeoned with a rabid sturgeon repeatedly, then given a thorough colonoscopy with said sturgeon.
May 7, 2024
Behind the flashy extras and cool license, TMNT2 remains an utterly forgettable (albeit forgivable) example of the modern gaming mediocrity.
GMR Magazine
May 7, 2024
In most ways an improvement upon its predecessor, but it's still a far cry from the awesome arcade game that came out in the late '80s...A highly mediocre experience.
May 7, 2024
This is a terrible, terrible game. It's hard to believe that Konami could push something out like this.
Game Over Online
May 7, 2024
Really, when all is said and done, if there was a way to just play the arcade version of TMNT without having to play through most of Battle Nexus first, then at least it would be worth it in a bargain bin.
May 7, 2024
It's decidedly mediocre and won't appeal to anyone but die-hard fans of the show. Bummer, dudes.
May 7, 2024
Battle Nexus is more than just a step backward for this series--it's a step backward into a large chasm.
Gaming Age
May 7, 2024
Game play, while trying to recapture the essence of the old school arcade game, is excruciating, dull, and repetitive.
May 7, 2024
Another disappointment in the turtle's world. I can still see all the potential the series could have but unfortunately this year Konami took a step in the wrong direction.
May 7, 2024
It quickly degenerates into as absurd a mess as four turtles that are supposed to be ninjas with a rat for a sensei sounds like on paper. As Michelangelo might say, "cowabunga dudes, this is one gnarly game wreck."
PSX Nation
May 7, 2024
You know Konami has screwed-up royally when a 15 year-old beat’em up wipes the floor with their current batch of Turtles games.
May 7, 2024
If anything, Battle Nexus is a really uneven game. Some sections last two minutes, others last about 10 and culminate in a huge battle.