
Tesla Force Critic Reviews

7 Total Reviews

4 Positive Reviews(57.1%)
3 Mixed Reviews(42.9%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameSpew November 25, 2020
If you’re a fan of twin-stick shooters, Tesla Force is up there with the best of them. It wastes no time in throwing an overwhelming number of monsters at you, and to succeed you need to become a master of shooting, dodging, and collecting those mech parts. It’s simple, but it’s fun – and gunning down a full horde of nasties with a machine gun is oh so very satisfying.
PlayStation Country November 30, 2020
10Tons do it again with yet another fantastic twin-stick shooter. If blasting a huge horde of demons with more firepower than you've ever seen on screen before sounds like fun, well... that's because it is. Tesla Force is fun. Big, exciting, relentless fun. The shoot 'em up genre taken to the limits and we love it.
Video Chums December 14, 2020
As a roguelike follow-up to a pretty fun twin-stick shooter from a couple years back, Tesla Force incorporates plenty of interesting mechanics and systems that help make its frantic shooting action feel fresh and exciting.
Cubed3 January 20, 2022
10tons has taken their titles to another level with Tesla vs Lovecraft by replicating the twin-stick shooter of their previous Tesla outing, and incorporating the roguelike elements has made this the ultimate Tesla & Lovecraftian crossover thus far. Plus, the addition of two characters, Mary Shelley and Marie Curie both bring their unique flavours with regards to playstyle, Tesla vs Lovecraft promises a lot of hours spent grinding out runs. The 'Doomsday Clock' keeps the AI a tricky beast to tame, as they slowly begin to climb in difficulty throughout the run, culminating in the end boss fight that differs in difficulty based on how quickly or slowly it took to get there. The visual display that is on show when the enemies become quite sporadic and overwhelming, only to then get destroyed by Tesla in a mech suit is one of the more exciting and riveting experiences that makes this adventure worth going back to.
Digital Chumps December 3, 2020
Tesla Force is one of the few rogue-lite games I have ever played, and I also rarely play twin stick shooters. I found the experience a little chaffing at times, in how I had to restart a chapter of random stages after dying, but there is a lot of satisfaction derived from unlocking better and better weapons, abilities, and perks and laying waste to the monsters. Best played with a friend or three, Tesla Force is pretty cool and reasonably priced for the experience it offers overall.
Push Square November 30, 2020
Tesla Force is a bizarre amalgamation of ideas that never seem to really make much sense together. While science relies on experimentation, Tesla Force could really have used more time in the lab.
GameOver.gr December 4, 2020
Tesla Force is a twin-stick shooter with fast action and procedural generated levels that after a little while look the same. There is fun to be had, especially playing local co-op, but the missions lack variety and are so repetitive that it hurts the replayability.