
The Lion's Song Critic Reviews

19 Total Reviews

18 Positive Reviews(94.7%)
1 Mixed Reviews(5.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Switch Player August 24, 2018
The Lion’s Song is a masterful collection of independent yet interconnecting tales of individuals determination to succeed in their respective craft. This is accompanied by beautiful pixelart and the wonderful titular Lion’s Song. These tales will stay with you for some time.
CGMagazine July 10, 2018
The Lion’s Song is a masterclass in storytelling and a great fit for fans of portable Switch gaming, especially those looking for a narrative-driven experience.
Vooks July 24, 2018
The Lion’s Song is a unique take on the narrative genre. While it displays point and click elements, they only drive what is three excellently told stories and a fourth that ties everything together in a nice, neat bow. The gorgeous art style and the tremendous writing draws you into late 19th Century Austria and proves that games that tell stories about art can be excellent pieces of art themselves.
Gaming Nexus August 29, 2018
The Lion’s Song is a great point-and-click game that focuses mostly on the narrative. The choices you make in one chapter can not only impact the other chapters (both later and earlier chapters), but seeing all of these choices have connections to each other in the Gallery is a nice touch. With its unique art-style and use of music throughout the game, The Lion’s Song was a great experience.
GameGrin September 10, 2018
This is a charming little interactive story that warms the heart even if it doesn’t necessarily challenge the brain. If you like your games to be story driven with characters you’ll end up caring about, this is a must-have.
GamingTrend July 10, 2018
The Lion’s Song is a beautiful narrative-focused game if you get passed the sluggish cursor and the slow character movement. Each episode contains its own beautiful story which are woven together to form a satisfying conclusion. Any fans of the art scene in the early 20th century or anyone hungry for a good narrative should definitely board the train on this one.
Destructoid July 19, 2018
I would have to nitpick to come up with anything else. I suppose The Lion’s Song isn’t what you’d traditionally call a “game,” but it works as an engrossing experience that you’re bound to relate to in one way or another.
NintendoWorldReport July 30, 2018
The Lion’s Song is a fun journey through and through. While I did wish that it explored certain themes more, I can’t be overly grumpy at the end result. It offers an engaging experience that instantly struck a chord with me. The presentation, choices and flow just feel incredibly well crafted by its developers.
Worth Playing July 30, 2018
All in all, The Lion's Song achieves what is intended at a very high level. It masterfully tells and blends three separate stories about culture, creativity, and social influence into a cohesive story to paint the picture of an early 20th century Vienna. It's a niche project that won't appeal to everyone, and it has a few pacing issues and an undesirable control method for an adventure, but it is a good game that knows its strengths and plays to them.
Nintendo Life July 10, 2018
An emotional story that weaves big themes across its episodes, The Lion’s Song is a poignant point-and-click adventure with excellent audio, a beautiful art style and great writing. The exploration of its subjects isn’t muddied with obstinate riddles or ill-fitting mechanics and it’s a satisfying, albeit brief, experience that is absolutely worthy of your time.
Digitally Downloaded July 16, 2018
The Lion’s Song is a touching game that highlights individual’s creative struggles and how they overcome these hurdles in their lives. The struggles of the 20th century can still be seen in today’s society, so it is inspiring to see them discover themselves and overcome these hurdles.
FNintendo August 27, 2018
Featuring a marvelous story telling and a healthy variety of characters, this game will easily appeal to players who are looking for a good story, despite the game's lack of voice acting which might feel a bit strange sometimes.
GameCritics September 19, 2018
Though I can’t tell if The Lion’s Song is any better on Switch than it is on PC or mobile, I can say that it’s a unique and brilliant narrative adventure that offers an artistic journey into the hearts and minds of creators amidst a singularly dynamic time in history.
Universo Nintendo September 10, 2018
The Lion’s Song is a great point and click game with a focus in the story. With a nice visual that features a retro pixelated style. The gameplay on the TV it’s OK, but no support to the Touch Screen function is unacceptable, since the iOS version already has that function. Finally, The Lion’s Song does not please everyone, but those who like the genre will love the game.
COGconnected July 19, 2018
I must mention that this new Switch version of The Lion’s Song is $9.99, while the iOS version is only $6.99. There is no obvious advantage in playing the game on the Switch as opposed to on an iPad, especially since the retro visuals do not gain anything from being played on a TV-sized screen.
DarkStation July 10, 2018
Overall, The Lion’s Song presents a poignant narrative adventure that aims to invoke strong emotions. While not every tale was fun to play, they each told fascinating character pieces focused on passionate creativity that actually drove me to introspection. Even for a point-and-click game, it is light on interaction and more akin to reading a book with dialogue choices. The drab presentation and dry plot may bore some, but those who appreciate good historical fiction will find there’s more to this game than its cover.
GameSpew July 10, 2018
The Lion’s Song is certainly a unique story from start to finish. Those that enjoy a relaxing point-and-click are sure find this one to their liking. It requires a bit of patience in those cumbersome moments in the middle, but it’s well worth it for the beautiful art style, harrowing soundtrack, and truly creative take on the point-and-click genre.
Nintendo Insider September 7, 2018
If you enjoy a slower game with a brilliant and touching story or stories in which, to get the most out of it, you have to give it your full attention, then The Lion’s Song may very well be a game that you will love and think about for months to come. The unique art style and its attention to the smaller details only add to the intrigue. It has its problems, sure, and they do start to become a bigger issue as you progress further, but none will make you want to put the game down, as, by that point, it will already have its hooks into you.
Nintenderos July 16, 2018
A narrative with tortured characters and defiant women, in a beautiful pixel art sepia style, spoiled by certain uninspired aesthetic decisions and a questionable translation. Also, it doesn’t make the most of the capacities of the console.