October 30, 2012

ThunderCats (2012)

ThunderCats (2012)
Based on 11 Reviews
Release date
October 30, 2012


The animated high-action series claws its way onto the Nintendo DS. Become Lion-O and battle Mumm-Ra and his evil forces as you run, jump, and slash your way through action ripped straight from the new animated series. Wield the incredible power of the Sword of Omens in this side-scrolling adventure.

ThunderCats (2012) Trailer

Critic Reviews11

The fact that it looks and sounds pretty good doesn't change the basic fact that the game is, overall, a poor conception of a storied franchise. The design is basic and outmoded, and while in some games that can lend itself to a cool retro feel, it doesn't feel that way here.
November 24, 2012
I had high hopes for Thundercats, but those were dashed within the three hours I spent playing. It's too short, too tedious, and I would have liked to see better use of the other Thundercats, not just as assists. You can replay prior stages to unlock more cards, but why would you want to?
November 20, 2012
Overall, Thundercats on the Nintendo DS is definitely a dud. I've not played a more lackluster licensed action game in quite a while, and it sort of breaks my heart to see one of my classic kid cartoon franchises get treated with such little care. This is little more than a quick cash grab on a recognizable name, and you'd do well to avoid this at all costs.
November 19, 2012

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