Tomodachi Life Critic Reviews
52 Total Reviews
36 Positive Reviews(69.2%)
16 Mixed Reviews(30.8%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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June 6, 2014
In all, Tomodachi Life is filled with pure, unbridled joy. It puts a stupid grin on my face and keeps it there through its duration. Some might complain that it is "not a game," but they can go on hating. It does require the player to put in some love, flair, and wit, but what comes out is magic.
June 6, 2014
Tomodachi Life reminds me what I love about Nintendo. Another developer might try an experience like this on iOS or Android, but it’s unlikely they would leave it unsullied by in-game purchases. I also doubt that many other studios could nail the effortless humor that makes this so refreshing to play.
June 7, 2014
Endlessly charming and unusually engaging, Tomodachi Life is a fantastic diversion.
Cheat Code Central
June 5, 2014
Overall, I think anyone who takes a chance on this unorthodox property will have a positive experience, and hope Nintendo will build upon this franchise.
June 19, 2014
Tomodachi Life is a hilarious experience that could only come from Nintendo.
June 6, 2014
Nintendo gets a lot out of mileage out of this Sims-like concept, but still manages to find ways to make it simple, accessible, and entertaining.
IGN Italia
June 17, 2014
A unique experience, something that could only come out of Japan. Do whatever you want with the absurdity of Tomodachi Life.
June 20, 2014
This is the sort of game that open-minded players will love if they give it a chance.
June 4, 2014
It’s laid back and it’s a good, clean, silly-fun game that will no doubt appeal more towards a social like audience. As for the hardcore gamers out there, I issue you a challenge: pick up Tomodachi Life, whether you rent, borrow, or play some form of demo, and tell me you haven’t cracked smile.
Nintendo Life
June 5, 2014
Tomodachi Life is perhaps best described as the glorious culmination of the Mii concept that was heralded by the release of the Wii back in 2006, and at long last gives your virtual avatar a life of its own — as well as many humorous and entertaining escapades to enjoy.
June 5, 2014
It is difficult to give Tomodachi Life a direct score, but the game does have the unique Nintendo look, feel and charm.
June 6, 2014
Tomodachi Life is the new life simulator game from Nintendo. But that doesn’t mean a boring 9-5 office simulator, it means more mad and crazy Japanese things to do with your Mii kinda game. Which, as far as anyone is concerned, equals awesome.
Eurogamer Italy
June 6, 2014
Tomodachi Life is like a strange mix between The Sims and Animal Crossing that can lure you in with its awkward and lethargic fun. Maybe it will not be the better choice for an hardcore gamer, but it’s difficult not to find it funny.
June 6, 2014
Tomodachi Life finds fun in the most mundane of activities, thanks to quirky style that makes hanging out with digital friends surprisingly engrossing.
God is a Geek
June 6, 2014
Ridiculous, hilarious and full of the unique surrealism that Nintendo does so damn well, it’s hard not to fall in love with Tomodachi Life and the characters you create. The sedate pace and minimal interaction might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but this is guaranteed to be a cult hit.
June 6, 2014
The latest of Nintendo's experiments to create games with appeal beyond the usual clichés of the medium, Tomodachi Life may actually be the most humanistic creation the company has ever put together. While it could (somewhat notoriously) stand to be more inclusive, its focus on the concrete personalities and tangible interactions of tiny digital people make it one of the most addictive and fascinating life sims ever made.
June 7, 2014
Tomodachi Life is more toy than game, but it’s an intriguing, colorful, and consistently surprising one.
Critical Hit
July 14, 2014
Tomodachi Life is by far the weirdest game that I’ve ever engaged in. And much like my Miis, the experience has been completely unique.
July 18, 2014
Releasing a game as Japanese as Tomodachi Life in the West has been a brave move from Nintendo, and I think courage must be rewarded: this doesn't mean the game is flawless, but will keep all the ones that are looking for something unusual to play on their 3DS busy.
Official Nintendo Magazine UK
August 8, 2014
Stop reading and play: you'll have more fun if you don't know what's coming.