
Too Human Critic Reviews

80 Total Reviews

39 Positive Reviews(48.8%)
38 Mixed Reviews(47.5%)
3 Negative Reviews(3.8%)

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GamerNode May 20, 2024
The game is a triumph in everything it aims to do: an intriguing story, breathtaking cinematography and narrative, a unique and effective combat system, extensive customization options, and a meaningful concept.
Play.tm May 20, 2024
Those who hate it will throw down the controller a long time before the ass-serving and seemingly shallow controls give way to fulfilling battles and a truly awesome character; while those who love it will stubbornly plough forward from death to death, ever-reaching for the next level, and the next level, in order to experience the sheer visceral pleasure of directing Baldur in his almost invincible dance of death.
Planet Xbox 360 May 20, 2024
If "World of Warcraft" had a baby with "Star Wars" and the doctor pumped it full of steroids the final result would be Silicon Knight’s Too Human.
GameFocus May 20, 2024
Amazingly Too Human has some amazing graphics power behind it, with some wide open complex levels, dozens of monsters and the player or players destroying everything in sight, the game never slows down or lags at all. When we are used to games with 4 to 10 characters on the screen at once, seeing so many is a pure visual feast.
MEGamers May 20, 2024
Forget the graphics, cut scenes, little glitches, stupid supporting AI and the voice acting and concentrate on the excellent gameplay engine Silicon Knights have built. You will find yourself playing the same levels over and over again to build up your character and power up your inventory, while having a ton of fun.
XboxAddict May 20, 2024
Again, overall the game is very well done and should be played by anyone that like a good action game or even an RPG.
GamingXP May 20, 2024
I’ll try to describe this game: Myth meets Diablo and the Borg from Star Trek. I wasn’t able to put away the gamepad for a very long time.
Too Human isn’t perfect, but it’s not a bad game either.
GamePro May 20, 2024
It's ultimately the inspired intermingling of the disparate abilities bestowed on partnered players that makes Too Human worth playing.
Total Video Games May 20, 2024
Too Human easily reaches the standards set by Silicon Knights' previous work. Merging the addictive qualities of Diablo with a thoroughly innovative and entertaining combat system, Too Human offers an engaging blend of instant gratification and long-term depth despite the occasional failing.
G4 TV May 20, 2024
The game is that well constructed, and when it's firing on all cylinders there' nothing out there that can beat it for sheer satisfaction.
AtomicGamer May 20, 2024
For every great idea, like low-penalty deaths that don’t force you to replay sections, there’s equally flawed ones, like the lush, alternate-reality cyberspace you occasionally visit for light puzzling, that would’ve best been left on the cutting room floor.
ZTGD May 20, 2024
In the end, despite its flaws, I'm having a blast with Too Human. The looting and leveling is incredibly addictive, and if you let yourself dig a little bit you'll find a surprising amount of depth in the combat system. However I can't help but feel like the game isn't living up to it's full potential.
DailyGame May 20, 2024
Often the cut-scenes are more compelling than the gameplay, but the game does ultimately salvage itself from being the eternal butt of Xbox 360 jokes from this point forward.
IGN May 20, 2024
The character customization options and great class and skill system are the kind of foundation games should be built on. But then it’s all made rather moot by the fact that dying doesn’t matter and all of the enemies scale to you. The sense of accomplishment just isn’t there.
Xbox Achievements May 20, 2024
The RPG nature of the back end system is a true pleasure at times. Kitting Baldur out from head to toe in badass armour is one of Too Human’s fortes. Other than the main story quest though there isn’t really that much to do and the game gets incredibly repetitive.
IGN UK May 20, 2024
Unbound from the lumbering storytelling, when you and a friend are tackling levels at your leisure, hurling crowds of mechmen skywards, it’s exactly the sort of brainless destruction the game should be.
NZGamer May 20, 2024
The combat is fast, frantic and fun, requiring you to think and move quickly, and each of the classes are very different to play. Sure there's not much variety in the type of bad guys you come up against but the enemies which are present are generally very nice to look at and very satisfying to obliterate with your weapon of choice. It's easily the best action RPG on the 360 and arguably the best on any of the modern consoles.
MS Xbox World May 20, 2024
A breath of fresh air to the common shooter on the Xbox 360. I do feel that any RPG fan or hack and slash genre fan should try this out, but it is definitely the title you should 'try before you buy'.
Gameplanet May 20, 2024
People will either really love it or really hate it with the odd few sitting around the middle.