Turbo: Super Stunt Squad Critic Reviews
5 Total Reviews
0 Positive Reviews(0%)
1 Mixed Reviews(20%)
4 Negative Reviews(80%)
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Playstation Official Magazine Australia
November 11, 2013
Inoffensive busy-work for the ankle-biters. Nothing more. Nothing less.
September 23, 2013
Turbo: Super Stunt Squad will have a limited shelf-life that can be perfectly mapped to the cinema release of the movie and possibly the follow-up DVD sales window. It will entertain fans of the movie over a wet weekend or two, but ultimately the sub-par graphics, limited gameplay, and clunky controls make this game about as flawed as Ryan Reynolds' acting.
September 24, 2013
It’s hard to expect great things from a movie-tie-in title, but Turbo Super Stunt Squad wasted an opportunity to be a harmless kid racer and instead became a unsatisfying skateboarding game that can be sometimes too challenging for its target audience of young children.
Gamereactor Sweden
October 10, 2013
A horrible attempt at squeezing out some extra license money while ruining several childhoods in the process.
The Digital Fix
November 8, 2013
Even if the film did do surprisingly well at the box office, you’ll easily spot the slug trails that accompany Turbo: Super Stunt Squad as it crawls its way into the bargain bin.