
Typoman Critic Reviews

26 Total Reviews

12 Positive Reviews(46.2%)
10 Mixed Reviews(38.5%)
4 Negative Reviews(15.4%)

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IGN Italia November 19, 2015
An indie Wii U exclusive with personality, style and a very intriguing gameplay. The difficulty spikes in the action sequences could be too much for some people.
Gaming Nexus January 6, 2016
Typoman is a challenging, if at times frustrating platformer with a great core concept. It relies too heavily on trial and error and the controls could be a bit tighter, but the puzzle design and stark, haunting aesthetic more than make up for any drawbacks.
Everyeye.it November 23, 2015
One of those small surprises that come from the indie market, Typoman could remind you of Limbo, but soon it takes on a very different and interesting gameplay path.
Cubed3 December 5, 2015
Brainseed Factory has pieced together a fantastically atmospheric ride, filled to the brim with engaging word-jumble brainteasers and supremely tight run-and-jump mechanics. Once that old grey matter kicks into gear, planning solutions ahead of time, so as to be able to focus more on the extremely accurate leaps and bounds required, will become second nature.
4Players.de November 20, 2015
A lot of untapped potential remains, even though it starts as a fascinating mix of platforming and word puzzler with well conceived integration of the Wii U gamepad.
Multiplayer.it November 20, 2015
Typoman is a really interesting and fascinating experience. The concept itself, the artistic direction and the great atmosphere all make for a game which will be a pleasure to many and will remain in our memories for a long time. Unfortunately there are some limits too, they don't spoil the experience at all but don't allow Typoman to be one of the best titles available on the Nintendo eShop.
Nintendo Enthusiast November 17, 2015
With a bit more polish to the difficulty curve, cheap deaths and controls I would love to see Typoman return in another adventure.
Nintendo Life November 19, 2015
Typoman fashions a marvelous world full of wordy wonder, and those who feel it would be up their alley should definitely give the game a try based on that alone. However, the smudges that can come in the platforming, combined with the roller coaster difficulty, may very likely frustrate some when they find themselves caught in a death loop.
Brash Games November 23, 2015
It took me around 4-5 hours to finish, which in my opinion was about the right length for this type of game (no pun intended!).
3DJuegos November 24, 2015
Not as good as Braid or Limbo by any means, but nonetheless an estimable 2D puzzle adventure oriented experience. Too short and flat, though.
TheSixthAxis November 26, 2015
Typoman’s appeal boils down to whether or not you’re willing to invest in shorter games that are content light, yet have genuinely interesting ideas that are beyond what’s come before. By using words as an aesthetic and gameplay device, it writes its own reasons for why it is unique. My only wishes were that the platforming was tighter and that it had a few more levels. Typoman is over far too quickly for my liking, but this is high praise for what it did in its short time.
FNintendo January 11, 2016
With a good sense of progression and an ever-rising challenge threshold, in moments of greater tension word-forming can become frustrating but this does not hinder Typoman's creativity and originality.
ZTGD November 24, 2015
This is one to at least look out for on the Wii U. Just keep in mind, there is some trial and error that has to be played through to get to the good bits.
Gamer.nl January 16, 2016
The combination between word puzzle and platformer makes Typoman very unique and entertaining. Unfortunately the controls are not comfortable and the logic of the puzzles is a bit lost at the end of the game, which makes Typoman a little too frustrating to enjoy.
GamingTrend November 23, 2015
Typoman is a brilliant proof of concept muddied by messy mechanics, unclear prompts and a lack of meaningful motivation. While the wordplay is superb, the focus is never on that strength as often as I wish it was.
Vandal November 25, 2015
The idea is original and the base is interesting, but at the end of the day it all feels empty and feels like a wasted opportunity. With better mechanics, it could have been a way better game.
Digitally Downloaded December 9, 2015
The goodwill that it builds at the start does starts to suffer as you realise just how limited the spelling mechanic can be, and start to run into the rough edges around he platforming.
Nintendo Force Magazine February 4, 2016
Typoman has a great creative concept that falls short in length and execution.
Hardcore Gamer November 22, 2015
As unique as Typoman is, seeing the scale of its missed opportunity unfold only saddens me evermore.
God is a Geek December 7, 2015
This isn’t an awful game by any stretch, it’s not nothing special, despite the feeling it should be.