Ultima VII: Forge of Virtue

The Isle of Fire has risen from the seas of Britannia...
"I cannot be sure, but I am confident that the island mentioned in this dust-covered tome is the Isle of Fire. I can only imagine the wonders that will fill mine eyes: The Shrine of Truth, designed to provide insight; The Shrine of Love, crafted to enhance martial skill; and The Shrine of Courage, created to supply strength."
"I know the island is populated with many foils -- both monstrous and mechanical -- yet I am drawn by the challenge and prepared to test my skills!"
- Add these adventures directly to ULTIMA VII: The Black Gate--you can travel to and from the Isle of Fire at will.
- Use the Forge of Virtue to maximize your attributes at the three shines.
- Complete four new quests that will challenge your combat, puzzle-solving and magic skills.
- Forge a powerful new weapon to use against the Guardian and the opponents on the Isle of Fire.
- Automatically update ULTIMA VII with the latest version, including new patches.