Ultimate Fishing Simulator Critic Reviews
6 Total Reviews
1 Positive Reviews(16.7%)
3 Mixed Reviews(50%)
2 Negative Reviews(33.3%)
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Xbox Tavern
June 24, 2020
At first glance, Ultimate Fishing Simulator might not seem like it would appeal to everyone, but it is engaging enough to enjoy whether the player has any interest in fishing, or none at all. There are plenty of beautiful locations to choose from and with a vast array of equipment to experiment with, it is likely to be an interesting and enjoyable fishing experience for all.
June 29, 2020
Ultimate Fishing Simulator for Xbox One is a sub-par port of the PC version. For a fishing game with the words ultimate and simulator in the title, UFS doesn't live up to the realism or challenge I envisioned. Even though the PC version has been out for two years the Xbox One graphics are of poorer quality, detracting from the overall enjoyment of the game. In the end, the inclusion of a wide variety of environments and styles of fishing doesn't offset the simplistic and redundant mechanics of catching and reeling in fish, resulting in a long and boring grind to reach the big catches the ocean fishing has to offer.
June 8, 2020
Ultimate Fishing Simulator fails its own title, being very far away from a fishing simulator, let alone the ultimate one. Bad U.I., unsatisfying fishing mechanics, totally unbalanced accessory and bait costs and several technical problems leave very little to be praised, like the good underwater camera.
June 19, 2020
Ultimate Fishing Simulator has its share of flaws, but it’s the constant grind that really sinks this game.
June 1, 2020
There are much better fishing games than Ultimate Fishing Simulator, and my strong advice is that if you want to go fishing on Xbox One you look elsewhere first.
August 17, 2020
There’s not really many ways of sugar coating it; this game is a mess on Xbox One and isn’t worth your time. Surely any other fishing game would be worth considering if you have that urge.