Undertale Critic Reviews
44 Total Reviews
41 Positive Reviews(93.2%)
2 Mixed Reviews(4.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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The Jimquisition
September 20, 2015
It’s been a long, long time since this style of RPG has grabbed me as Undertale has, and even longer since a small independent effort has been so ambitious, impressive, and unquestionably successful.
PC Invasion
September 24, 2015
Entertaining, surprising, mind-breaking: Undertale is a labour of love that inspires exactly that emotion.
September 24, 2015
Undertale provided me with many hours of laughter, happiness, and warm, fuzzy feelings, all the while surprising me with some truly sad and shocking moments out of the blue. It's the kind of game that I'll want to replay many times in order to see how all of the various choices play out, and I'm sure I will remember it fondly for years to come.
Giant Bomb
September 25, 2015
It was a whispered reminder that great games can do more than impress with sheer complexity and breadth, they can also draw us in close to them as to engage with our humanity.
September 29, 2015
In the case of Undertale, I can’t think of one particular flaw or a way it could’ve been made more enjoyable. As is, it is as perfect as anything could be in this imperfect world of ours.
September 30, 2015
Undertale is one of the most unique efforts seen in indie gaming. Combining a love for the old with a willingness to innovate and utilize game mechanics to express ideas, rather than a binary input-output, this game should be on any and every one’s radar.
September 30, 2015
Regardless of its indie status, Undertale is one of the best and most inspired RPGs in years. By playing with traditional, turn-based mechanics, creator Toby Fox has crafted an experience with a legitimate surprise around every corner. If you have a PC and ten bucks, you owe it to yourself to play this amazing game.
November 19, 2015
It’s rare for a game to so ruthlessly and completely nail the altered reality games place us in the way Undertale does. Whether it’s the nameless NPCs you always meet in RPGs or the hundreds of mooks you mow down with gunfire in games like Uncharted, Undertale brilliantly demystifies these conventions and questions why games are still codified this way. But even outside of its ambitious themes, it proves to be a compact, perfectly paced RPG experience with hilarious, tense writing and endearing characters. That it succeeds so completely in its thematic approach on top of all that is what makes Undertale a truly essential experience.
The Escapist
November 21, 2015
Undertale is fantastic in ways that are hard to describe. It's a love letter to RPGs, gamers, and gaming in general.
December 22, 2015
Under its 8-bit skin that may not please every player in the world, UnderTale has a heart beating with some inspiring and truly modern gameplay and narrative elements, a great story, full of humor and emotion, and several memorable characters.
January 12, 2016
It's hard to express just how much I adore Undertale without spoiling anything significant, but that's what I love about it. It tells its story in such a dynamic way, and with such a great understanding of the RPG player’s mindset, that it couldn’t have been told in any other way. It's a masterfully crafted experience that I won't forget any time soon.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
February 16, 2016
Witty, poetic, and in particular a game full of fantastic ideas. It's a tribute to a ‘90 JRPGs that gains the maximum amount of fun and emotions from the seemingly minimal resources.
February 23, 2016
Through a combination of often relaxed but sometimes tense gameplay, a dreamy atmosphere, and genuine characters that feel like they’re actually alive and all living together in this isolated society of longing, Undertale transcends its medium and becomes a genuinely moving experience I would recommend to anyone who is open to a sometimes sorrowful, sometimes hilarious, always bizarre and engaging emotional journey.
October 5, 2015
Undertale is a masterpiece. Fresh, fun and unique, and one of those games you should play if you think you love video games.
Hooked Gamers
October 27, 2015
It is an outstanding creation I highly encourage anyone to go out and buy this game.
Game Informer
October 1, 2015
Undertale may not be the prettiest game at the ball, but it is a fantastic, unique take on a classic genre that defies all expectations.
October 27, 2015
A masterpiece. Don’t overlook this game for its retro graphics or pseudo-jrpg structure, it is pure genius. Undertale takes the jrpg genre, deconstructs it and enriches the whole experience with amazing writing, a fantastic storyline and a truly intelligent approach to “battles”. Seeing that games like these are still being made is truly a joy.
December 16, 2015
This very simple jRPG is the funniest game I have ever played.
God is a Geek
December 30, 2015
A masterclass in storytelling with its memorable characters and soundtrack. Undertale is a phenomenal experience overall.