
UnEpic Critic Reviews

19 Total Reviews

15 Positive Reviews(78.9%)
4 Mixed Reviews(21.1%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameOver.gr September 25, 2014
Unepic manages to successfully fill the gap between today and classic video games of the past as The Maze of Galious.
IGN Italia February 7, 2014
Unepic is another little gem in the indie world. Definitely difficult, his retrò style is delightful, and absolutely irresistible for old school games fan. An epic game, that's for sure.
Vandal January 28, 2014
Wii U gets a challenging game, fun, addictive and full of surprises, that becomes one of its best downloadable titles.
4Players.de February 12, 2014
A challenging and funny retro adventure in classic MetroidVania style.
Nintendo Life January 20, 2014
With much to explore and so many ways of storming the castle’s inhabitants, Unepic is a fun and well-designed challenge for those who enjoy platformers and yon hefty olde RPG feel. Its tight and rewarding core makes it a quest that can be enjoyed along with, or even in spite of, its cheekier sense of humour.
3DJuegos February 3, 2014
A fine conversion of one of the best indie games released so far in PC years ago. Decent use of the GamePad capabilities, sharp graphics and nice new touches.
Cubed3 February 5, 2014
Unepic may not stand out as one of the more original titles in the genre but it does what it sets out to do very well, offering plenty of addictive exploration, challenging combat and fairly in-depth character customisation.
SpazioGames February 10, 2014
This isn't a game suitable for all palates: due to its difficulty and peculiarity, the title is highly recommended to all the fans of Metroidvania-like games, and in general to those who are looking for a challenge and want to do keep their hands well trained while waiting for Dark Souls 2.
Eurogamer Italy February 13, 2014
Unepic won't save Wii U neither Nintendo, but it can represent a really interesting precedent in this much criticized console's struggle to survival.
Digitally Downloaded March 6, 2014
Unepic is a solid game that holds up very well throughout. It offers up a stiff challenge, while maintaining a sound sense of humour, and will go down especially well with those of us that remember (or still play) all-night Dungeons & Dragons sessions.
Multiplayer.it February 3, 2014
UnEpic comes to Wii U basically unchanged, but with a couple of interesting new features. By the way, it's still a blast for all the metroidvania fans.
FNintendo January 27, 2014
This individual effort by the name of Unepic triggers a craving for exploration in an action-platform and adventure style, akin to the early Castlevania games. There are shortcomings and points which require a greater polishing, but the elements are all here to become an instant hit with its audience.
God is a Geek February 3, 2014
It can be quite frustratingly difficult at times, and the constant geeky references to everything from Star Wars to the worlds of Gary Gygax may not sit well with everyone – one particular misfiring side quest involving bureaucrats may be enough to turn off some gamers – but for those who enjoy old school platform action, this generously sized Spanish-crafted effort will be manna from heaven.
IGN February 4, 2014
Its sharp wit and bevy of nerd-culture references offset the frustration that arises from an unrelentingly challenging dungeon crawler.
Requires a forgiving gamer to see it from start to end.
NintendoWorldReport January 26, 2014
Unepic is a standard dungeon crawler with standard combat, enhanced by its goofy characters and story. If you’re in the mood for a game that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and don’t mine the occasional weed/D&D/Star Wars joke, then Unepic might be for you. However, if you’re looking for an engrossing RPG with deep mechanics, your time is likely best spent elsewhere.
Eurogamer Portugal February 25, 2014
It is a work with a satisfying narrative projection, based on good moments of humor, right battle system and fully adjusted to the GamePad Wii U.
Edge Magazine January 31, 2014
Unepic is a perfectly serviceable platform-RPG, but Unremarkable might have been a more apposite title.
Eurogamer Germany February 3, 2014
In the end, it's all right there in the title. There's nothing here to elevate it above mediocrity.