Valhalla Knights 3 Critic Reviews
19 Total Reviews
2 Positive Reviews(10.5%)
14 Mixed Reviews(73.7%)
3 Negative Reviews(15.8%)
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Hardcore Gamer
October 15, 2013
As a result, fans of action-RPGs will want to check out Valhalla Knights 3, while those who don’t enjoy the genre won’t find anything here that will change their minds.
Pocket Gamer UK
October 15, 2013
A strong and compelling RPG hidden under mountains of fan service. Marvelous AQL should seriously reconsider bringing sexy back if there's a sequel.
Cheat Code Central
October 15, 2013
The reward system and combat are a step above past games of the series, and the class customization gives you plenty of diversity and interesting combinations to play with. However, the game doesn't feel current, both technically as well as in the story telling. And most disturbing is the objectification of women.
October 30, 2013
Valhalla Knights 3 is a disappointment. It has fun moments, but actually enjoying it means wading through a bog of repetition that left me feeling tired and dirty when I reached the other side.
Game Revolution
October 15, 2013
To be honest, Valhalla Knights 3 is the perfect concept for a portable game. Since the game is so based around grinding and raising your character, it’s easy to pick up your Vita, do a quest or two, and put it down just as easily. You're always making progress no matter how short your spurts of play are. Unfortunately, this good idea is muddied by poor presentation and mediocre mechanics.
October 21, 2013
Nearly everything the game does well is sandwiched between horrific load times, tedious fetch quests, and a misogynistic mini-game. Sure, you can create a party of truly awesome characters--but it's hardly worth the grind.
PlayStation Universe
October 28, 2013
Valhalla Knights 3 is an impressive concept, but poor execution, lame grinding, and exploitative "Sexy Time" events are a fan disservice.
Gaming Nexus
November 18, 2013
Give this one a rental if your curious, otherwise, stay away.
October 17, 2013
As much as I enjoy Valhalla Knights 3’s combat I wish the rest of the game was more engaging.
Worth Playing
January 3, 2014
VK3 certainly stands out from the previous games, but it does so in all the wrong ways. Any improvements it made to the mechanics are overshadowed by everything else about the game.
Gamers\' Temple
January 29, 2014
Valhalla Knights feels like a broken single player MMO with bad graphics, a bad camera, weird spiking in challenge level and a story that is far too complicated to dive into.
Gaming Age
October 23, 2013
If you're really, truly desperate for a decent-sized Vita JRPG, it might help you pass the time until something better comes along (otherwise known as that glorious day when the new Ys game finally arrives), but otherwise, you'll want to steer clear.
PlayStation LifeStyle
October 17, 2013
At its best Valhalla Knights 3 has promise. But that promise is hidden beneath so much grime it’s just not worth the effort. Move along, there’s nothing to see here.
God is a Geek
November 7, 2013
Ultimately, Valhalla Knights 3 is a looting, levelling dungeon-crawler and nothing more, and it’s not a great example of the genre.
The Digital Fix
November 15, 2013
There are signs of a solid JRPG in Valhalla Knights 3 but it all crumbles to inconsequence given the slog through dull, uninspired locations and cookie-cutter quests.
Push Square
November 24, 2013
If you can overlook the eroticisms, tune out the monotonous story, and focus purely on the relatively enjoyable button-mashing combat, then you’re gold. But if you're like the rest of us who can’t, Valhalla Knights 3 is probably best left for a really, really rainy day.
November 7, 2013
Valhalla Knights 3 is a far cry from being any sort of enjoyable. The setting and class system, while great in theory, are attached to a game that is ugly, grind-heavy, laughably animated, and just plain unpleasant on numerous levels.
November 29, 2013
Only an absolute die hard of the genre or the series will enjoy this.
January 23, 2014
In the end, there's simply nothing interesting or worthwhile about Valhalla Knights 3.