
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption Critic Reviews

22 Total Reviews

18 Positive Reviews(81.8%)
4 Mixed Reviews(18.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Gamer's Pulse May 5, 2024
One of the best games I've ever played. Can't get enough of it.
GamePro May 5, 2024
If you've ever wanted to be a monster fighting for its soul, or if you've ever had designs of creating your own RPG, then let "Vampire" seduce you to the dark side.
PC Gameworld May 5, 2024
An amazing fantasy game, with a good story that has tremendous replay value.
Antagonist May 5, 2024
"Redemption" surpassed the hype. I love this game.
Games Radar May 5, 2024
As a multi-player game, though, it has the potential to be unique; a user-definable game more like traditional role-playing than anything any platform has ever seen.
GameSpy May 5, 2024
It has plenty of gameplay, and provides a very intriguing story line. The game redefines the RPG genre and is worthy of anyone's software collection.
Game Over Online May 5, 2024
Where there was mostly frustration before, there is now more room for fun and creativity.
Spank! May 5, 2024
If you're an RPG fan you'll enjoy it; just bear in mind you'll need to go online to best experience it.
GameZone May 5, 2024
If you are not the squeamish type, and you enjoy RPGs, this game may give you that dark thrill you’ve been waiting for.
Electric Playground May 5, 2024
Combines spine-tingling combat, sweet character development and solid story with one hell of an editor.
Adrenaline Vault May 5, 2024
Can deep characters, a great story, wonderful atmosphere and exquisite graphics overcome a flawed interface and horrible artificial intelligence to make a great game? Not quite, but it still makes for a darn good one.
Da Gameboyz May 5, 2024
Playing "V:TM Redemption" was a real love it, hate it experience.
PC Gamer May 5, 2024
Fresh out of the box, it's disappointing. But with patches, it could be the king of RPGs.
Cincinnati Enquirer May 5, 2024
For a game that looks so good, it's a shame it can also be a pain in the neck.
Happy Puppy May 5, 2024
But if you subject the actual gameplay to any real scrutiny, you'll see all sorts of cracks that mar the game's beauty.
CNET Gamecenter May 5, 2024
Part of you will want to see where the story goes, even as another part will want to go back into the dark to suck blood and kill the wicked, and that mix will keep you plowing onward.
CheckOut May 5, 2024
A slew of design issues and bugs rear their ugly heads, making this a game that doesn't live up to its full potential ... yet.
IGN May 5, 2024
A grand mess, a game that for all its beauty and energy is plagued by problems which keep it from being a truly great game.
GameSpot May 5, 2024
It's got a great premise and an ambitious design, but the game is mired by its repetitive and often frustrating combat, ill-fated design decisions, and forgettable characters and story.
Game Revolution May 5, 2024
When it works, it sucks you right in, and when it doesn't you just end up slogging through, expecting the good stuff around the next corner.