War Leaders: Clash of Nations

Could you imagine what would have happened if WWII was won by the Axis? ...What would have happened if the US didn't ally with France and UK, or if Italy and Japan didn't join Germany? ...What if Germany didn't invade Poland in 1939 or Russia in 1941?... or if Japan developed the nuclear bomb before the Americans? ... Could you imagine having the power of ruling a nation and all its military, diplomatic and economic strengths? ...of going to important battlefronts like Pearl Harbour or Normandy, manage thousands of troops, meet historical Heroes and Generals, and change the course of History or even write one of your own? Could you imagine being Winston Churchill, or Stalin? ...to deal with Roosevelt or Hitler? ...to win the war? ...or even to go beyond and conquer the World? In War Leaders, gamers will assume the role of historical commanders, in an attempt to lead their nations to victory in World War II through economic, diplomatic and military means. Players must lead their nations both on and off the battlefield, negotiating with allies while crushing those who dare oppose them. [Enigma]