
War of the Vikings Critic Reviews

19 Total Reviews

6 Positive Reviews(31.6%)
12 Mixed Reviews(63.2%)
1 Negative Reviews(5.3%)

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Pelit (Finland) June 12, 2014
War of the Vikings is faster than War of the Roses, but otherwise makes all the same mistakes. Almost fun, but if I want to stare a bunch of gauges, I play flight simulators. Copy melee from Dark Souls, please.
GameStar April 28, 2014
Quotation forthcoming.
Gaming Nexus July 14, 2014
War of the Vikings provides gamers with entertaining and hectic online multiplayer combat that ultimately suffers from a slow unlock system and lack of unique gameplay features.
Eurogamer April 17, 2014
War of the Vikings, much like its predecessor, is a rough diamond. It's limited, but also unique. It's scruffy, but also capable of surprising beauty. It's frustrating, but also incredibly fun. On balance, it's a game I admire more than I like, but I'm glad it exists and can see why, at least for the niche audience that clicks with its offbeat rhythm, it's already a beloved cult favourite.
GameWatcher April 28, 2014
From my view then, this is a game of unrealised potential; it hangs on the verge of being 'good' and instead rests sadly in the realms of 'pretty decent'.
Hooked Gamers June 4, 2014
All in all, War of the Vikings does an admirable job on all fronts. Although the combat is fun, battles can often end up as swing fests particularly when the servers are full and the battle is being played out on one of the smaller maps.
SpazioGames April 30, 2014
Despite a refined gameplay, different from the usual and pretty much all based on skill, War of the Vikings can not convince due to several problems, especially in the field of animation and in the server latency.
Game Informer April 30, 2014
Battles in War of the Vikings can be quick and enjoyable, but those flashes of fun aren’t enough to keep the experience interesting.
Another multiplayer-only battle but it lacks matchmaking system and a good weapon dynamic. It's exciting to fight in close combat with a Middle Age concept. But expect nothing more than the concept.
IncGamers April 17, 2014
Latency and optimisation issues hamper what is otherwise a weighty multiplayer melee title. War of the Vikings could do with more modes of play, but the ones already here reward the skillful combatant.
Gamereactor Sweden April 23, 2014
Although the early access logo is now gone from the official site, War of the Vikings feels far from finished. The premise shows a lot of potential, but we won't be returning until after a couple of patches.
PC Gamer April 24, 2014
Streamlined in every way, War of the Vikings cut too much meat from the bone and left nothing to chew on.
Digitally Downloaded April 28, 2014
It is certainly not a bad game, but it feels like War of the Vikings has room to grow, and is currently not as much of an advancement over the last game as I would have liked.
Gamer.nl May 19, 2014
War of the Vikings is the typical example of the type of game that Paradox publishes from the assembly line. The idea is kind of cool, but due to too many mistakes and bugs it isn't distinctive enough.
Riot Pixels July 9, 2014
Even after release, War of the Vikings is still at the Early Access level in terms of balance, variety and net-code.
4Players.de April 17, 2014
Even though you have a variety of weapons and a fairly decent fight system at your disposal, this rather feels like hack and slay jogging.
The Escapist April 25, 2014
War of the Vikings isn't necessarily a bad game, but it's a far cry from being a good one. With frustrating controls as well as periodic technical hiccups, it's never going to appeal to a mass audience, but those it does appeal to will enjoy it.
Multiplayer.it May 1, 2014
War of the Vikings' lack of content and instability issues have compromised the overall game experience, definitively killed by the lag.
IGN April 22, 2014
The mechanics don’t match the execution, and everything suffers as a result.