Wargame: European Escalation Critic Reviews
28 Total Reviews
25 Positive Reviews(89.3%)
3 Mixed Reviews(10.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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PC PowerPlay
April 5, 2012
Simple controls don't mean a simple game. A great game for those of you up for fiendishly complex battle.
April 24, 2012
It's a scope and scale that can be daunting, but it allows for an unparalleled level of player agency within an RTS.
Pelit (Finland)
April 17, 2012
Assaults the rough no man's land between wargaming and real time strategy. The host of cold war weapon systems modelled are abstracted mostly at the right places, while having the fastest mouse finger falls always second to commanding with the big picture in mind and mastering wargaming concepts like recon and use of reinforcements. UI could use more polish and tell the player a bit more, a bit clearer, but still the trip to this seldom seen cold war era is a blast.
February 29, 2012
Looking forward we wouldn't mind seeing some kind of abilities worked back into the game, whether off-map or unit based (Engineers, for example, don't really do anything engineering). Regardless of the future though, this game is worth getting now, pure and simple.
March 1, 2012
Wargame: European Escalation is the closest you'll get to a full-fledged military simulation of the Cold War era of modern warfare that is still fun to play.
March 2, 2012
Wargame: European Escalation seems to be a game wanting to merge RTS dynamics with the realism of games like Combat Mission. But the developers haven't tried to get to the biggest audience no matter what. They simply created something unique.
March 6, 2012
This excellent wargame/real-time strategy hybrid embodies the best of both worlds while destroying ours in a hypothetical Cold War-goes-hot setting.
March 14, 2012
Fortunately, Wargame dares to take chances and succesfully follows a different path than other games in the genre. The way you control the battlefield over several levels, like R.U.S.E. did, gives a whole new dimension to real-time gaming. The incredible amount of unlockables you can earn, encourages you to keep playing and set up your own perfect army. Be aware of the chaotic battles that will commence on your screen, as some people's head may eventually explode. Just a friendly warning.
Computer Games Online RO
April 16, 2012
So Wargame: European Escalation isn't revolutionary, but it can hold its own against current strategy games and has a community with a passion for war that goes beyond history books and Discovery documentaries.
PC Gamer UK
May 11, 2012
Eugen Systems put the "real" back into RTS. The result is spacious, subtle, deeply satisfying tactical gaming.
PC Master (Greece)
March 12, 2012
You will definitely need a time to adjust, especially if you are not experienced with wargames and this is your first time tackling the genre. But if you are interested in a slow, methodic pacing, then it's worth insisting! On the other side of the rough tutorial course, you will find a rich, profound experience, a strategy game that rewards intelligent planning and advanced tactics, instead of fast reflexes and agility in build order placing.
April 2, 2012
There is a lot for Wargamers to like about this game. It's not just challenging from a tactical sense, but it's ease of control and its scale also make it a fun game to play. If RTS games are where you get your kicks, you won't be disappointed with this one.
March 2, 2012
Wargame: European Escalation is an excellent RTS that you will enjoy if you liked R.U.S.E. or World in Conflict.
Eurogamer Italy
February 28, 2012
If you are part of the niche community that knows perfectly the meaning of terms like ATGM, SAM, APDS and all possible vehicles variants that can mount them, Wargame: European Escalation is definitely an RTS that will entertain you in the next months.
February 28, 2012
Wargame: European Escalation is a good strategy game for all the modern warfare fans, with a dynamic and deep gameplay supported by a spectacular and realistic visual experience.
February 29, 2012
Wargame European Escalation is a good RTS that you will enjoy if you liked World in Confilct or R.U.S.E. The single player campaign is unsatisfying and the deep multiplayer feels a little unbalanced, especially for beginners.
Quarter to Three
March 6, 2012
So it turns out that Wargame: European Escalation isn't just good. It's also unique.
March 7, 2012
It's fun, competitive, and features short sessions that normally last under a half-hour. If you're an RTS gamer looking for a new battlefield, you'll definitely want to give Wargame a try.
March 11, 2012
A hardcore strategy game for hardcore strategists; however, even relatively newcomers are going to be enthralled by it. Ignoring minor flaws such as the military unit price or the extensive military unit range - this is an unconventional and above all an entertaining title that will catch you and won't let you go.