
Wolfenstein Critic Reviews

66 Total Reviews

51 Positive Reviews(77.3%)
15 Mixed Reviews(22.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GamingTrend May 11, 2024
Compelling single player with a fresh take on things doesn’t happen every day. It’s just that much better when it comes bundled with a fantastic multiplayer experience to boot.
Game Chronicles May 11, 2024
Wolfenstein is an awesome blend of old-school memories and next-gen ideas assembled into a rewarding game experience you can’t afford to miss.
HellBored May 11, 2024
An engaging single player experience that offers plenty of replay value, and a multiplayer component that has tonnes of upgrades, ranks and the rest, meld together into a AAA title.
GameZone May 11, 2024
A riveting and thoroughly action-packed shooter that takes the series in a different and better direction.
Kombo May 11, 2024
Wolfenstein is a good shooter. There are some missed opportunities and living too much in the past but don't let that ruin the fun parts of the game which outnumber the bad.
Worth Playing May 11, 2024
Wolfenstein really doesn't do much to move the FPS genre forward, but it does manage to nail the fundamentals and offer a highly entertaining experience.
Planet Xbox 360 May 11, 2024
Whether you need to use your environment, lure an enemy to its demise, or choose a specific weapon, you’ll be satisfied with the experience.
GamingExcellence May 11, 2024
If you’re looking for a different way to blast those same Nazis you’ve been battling for years, look no further than this fun and exciting shooter.
GameSpy May 11, 2024
If you're into WWII shooters -- and judging by the sales of every single Call of Duty title ever, you are -- but you're looking for something with a little twist to it -- which, judging by the sales of twisty straws, you are -- and you don't mind the color green -- and judging by the number of Irish people in the world, you don't -- you should get yourself a copy of Wolfenstein.
GamesRadar+ May 11, 2024
Spot-on Wolfenstein atmosphere combines with gleefully vicious weaponry to serve up a tasty smoothie of good old-fashioned Nazi-frying. It lacks in the new idea department, but it has fun aplenty.
Giant Bomb May 11, 2024
It's familiar enough in spots, but the way the Veil powers function gives everything just enough of a tweak to feel exciting.
Cheat Code Central May 11, 2024
The single-player campaign is a lot of fun, though rather short. Multiplayer and lots of hidden objects help to extend the fun. Still, you'll be done with the game after a few weeks.
GamePro May 11, 2024
Again, it's nothing new but the weapons and powers are interesting enough that, if you put in the work, the reward is there. But it probably won't make you forget about Modern Warfare or Halo 3 or Killzone 2 or whatever online FPS you're currently hooked on.
Cynamite May 11, 2024
Although the Wolfenstein series has an excellent reputation, we were a bit skeptical before the review. But Wolfenstein offers brilliant, intense action with B.J. Blazkowicz, the Nazi Terminator. So the skepticism quickly turned into a hell-ride of fun.
Gamer Limit May 11, 2024
Even though its held back by a lack of unrealised theatrics, Wolfenstein’s still one of the only games that lets you dish death to the Nazis in bold and imaginative ways.
Armchair Empire May 11, 2024
It’s not the most advanced shooter available, nor the best looking or the best sounding for that matter. However, it brings back a great nostalgic feeling and pays honest homage to the original.
Extreme Gamer May 11, 2024
Not only does Wolfenstein recreate a little dab of this magic, its embraces the world of magic and the supernatural to give this old standard a fresh perspective.
Gamer 2.0 May 11, 2024
Wolfenstein might not hold up to Call of Duty in terms of sales, but Activision’s other WWII shooter still has plenty of interesting ideas to please any fan. With powerful weapons at your disposal, supernatural powers with the help of The Veil, and plenty of eerie Nazi soldiers to kill, the fun never stops.
InsideGamer.nl May 11, 2024
Wolfenstein is entertainment. It isn’t a revolutionary experience, and there are a lot of games out there which are better looking, but it doesn’t have any big flaws either.
TeamXbox May 11, 2024
Had the visuals been taken up a notch, and if B.J. would have been a bit more of a bystander in the Veil portions, Wolfenstein could have been one of the elites. But as it sits, Wolfenstein is a solid shooter that fans of its predecessors will enjoy.