War Thunder Critic Reviews
17 Total Reviews
17 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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IGN Italia
July 6, 2014
The Ground Forces expansion makes War Thunder even bigger than it was already, an MMO F2P that lets you choose the war you want: simulation or arcade, air or ground, challenging or relaxing, competitive or cooperative, free or with fee, PC or PS4.
December 20, 2013
Thanks to a wider variety of gameplay and game situations, War Thunder won the scepter of the best free-to-play in the skies of World War II.
PlayStation Universe
January 13, 2014
War Thunder is a gorgeous-looking and extremely competent flight combat game, though the lack of some of the PC version's game modes means it has yet to reach its full potential.
June 3, 2014
War Thunder surprised me. I am not very good at it, but I still have a lot of fun playing it. Because it is a free-to-play game, some players will download it on a whim and quit 20 minutes in due to the poor controls. Those that brave the steep learning curve will be rewarded with a realistic combat simulator that could be truly great one day.
December 16, 2013
With its variety of planes and future plans to expand its warfare, War Thunder delivers fast-paced and spectacular dogfights.
January 3, 2014
War Thunder delivers a deep, engaging experience, packed with plenty of missions and planes to unlock.
February 6, 2014
War Thunder is a game you must play. After all, it's free. Even if you keep crashing, it can absorb you easily and you'll end up creating your own squad with your friends and find out that a flight simulator can be really amusing. Even the information details about planes can be interesting.
June 4, 2014
War Thunder is easily among the best of what is offered on the PlayStation Store. It stands head and shoulders above the other free to play offerings and even over many at cost. The core of this lies in the generous free to play model which allows you to play for hour and hours without paying a dime. Though microtransactions were disabled in the pre-release version, I did get to explore the store and actually make some purchases in the EU release. A pillar of War Thunder’s longevity lies in its generous free to play model that allows you to play for hour and hours without paying a dime. That's the way free to play should be done.
July 9, 2014
While the initial learning curve is daunting, this is one of those games that opens up dramatically the more that you play it, so the time commitment is worthwhile whether you're a laidback dogfighter or a hardcore simmer.
December 18, 2013
War Thunder is a free look at beautiful airplanes and intense dogfights, with controls that can be as arcady or realistic as you want them to be. The lack of certain content and the cluttered menu's stand in the way of a higher grade.
Digital Chumps
June 3, 2014
War Thunder has some issues here and there, but it’s a very competent flying and ground war game that doesn’t let its microtransaction component get in the way. There’s plenty of tanks and planes to try out and modify to your liking, and just enough visuals to enjoy along the way. It’s not perfect, but it’s a solid game.
June 20, 2014
It’s mostly the moments in between battles that bring the whole experience down, as a lack of information and poor menus tarnish this flying ace.
Metro GameCentral
December 15, 2013
Even as a beta release this is an impressively entertaining, and accessible, combat flight simulator, and a welcome break from the shoot ‘em-up norm.
Games Master UK
January 14, 2014
There's a neat tactical flight experience here, but the interface still needs work.
Playstation Official Magazine UK
January 21, 2014
With plans for naval and ground vehicle combat, War Thunder has the potential to become one of PS4’s darkest horses. It’s punishing, sure – but guiding a precious bird to victory causes your chest to swell with imaginary medals every time.
Playstation Official Magazine Australia
March 3, 2014
Easy to get into, difficult to master, and free as a bird. Definitely sample-worthy.