
World of Warcraft Critic Reviews

57 Total Reviews

56 Positive Reviews(98.2%)
1 Mixed Reviews(1.8%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Detroit Free Press May 6, 2024
Addictive from the moment you begin...It's incredibly friendly to the solo gamer, allowing players not only to gain Levels 1 to 60 without ever grouping with someone else if they prefer, but also to earn the same or more experience playing that way. That means the solo gamer can level nearly as quickly as a group of power gamers playing together.
GameSpy May 6, 2024
It takes the essence of the MMO experience, breaks it down into its component parts, and plays up all the fun elements while actively minimizing the boring or tedious aspects. World of Warcraft is the MMO that nearly everybody can enjoy, and is a shining example of the game developer's art.
G4 TV May 6, 2024
This is the best example of what a massively multiplayer online game can offer, and is highly recommended to anyone who simply enjoys playing games.
Boomtown May 6, 2024
There’s always a hesitation in giving something 10 since you are essentially saying that it’s perfect but as things stand now that’s exactly what World of Warcraft deserves.
GameShark May 6, 2024
A tremendous product. Wonderfully fun and thrilling, inspiring and energiz, just a great amount of fun.
Just Adventure May 6, 2024
Incredibly addicting... They’ve just cleaned up your standard Dungeons and Dragons style online RPG and made it super fun, extremely refined, and exceedingly accessible to gamers of all levels.
VideoGamesLife May 6, 2024
The best MMORPG on the market, of that there is no argument. By taking the choicest cuts from previous titles in this genre, Blizzard has constructed a fairly unoriginal but nevertheless brilliantly assembled game world.
Quandary May 6, 2024
In fact, apart from the world itself, the great attraction of World of Warcraft for me is the community. Making friends and helping each other out is especially enjoyable.
Gaming Age May 6, 2024
A fantastically beautiful and exceedingly friendly MMORPG. It's also nice to finally have a good-looking 3d RPG that doesn't suffer from terrible lag and massive server load-times.
Xequted May 6, 2024
As solid an experience as can be found online. This game will absorb your life once you start playing, and crusty pizza boxes will become an all too common appearance around the house.
VGPub May 6, 2024
It’s the total package for any game of the genre to follow: user-friendly, deep character customization and plenty of replay value. World of Warcraft is a game you need to play.
Warcry May 6, 2024
Another thing that adds to the entertainment is the fact that dying, although something you want to avoid, does not end up being the experience-loss tragedy or the time-consuming corpse retrieval it is in some other games.
Worth Playing May 6, 2024
Unlike its competitors, World of Warcraft boasts a magnificently done quest system. Each quest you take a detailed explanation written into your Quest Journal that gives you enough information ingame to solve it. The sense of immersion is greatly heightened through this as well.
Game Chronicles May 6, 2024
One of the most well crafted, and thoroughly developed game worlds made by Blizzard to date. It dazzles, it awes, and it entertains.
GameSpot May 6, 2024
Part of what makes this game so remarkable is it doesn't assume that all you have to do in your busy life is play this one game, and so it delivers a high-quality experience regardless of how much or how little time you're able to invest...A stunning achievement that will make you feel privileged to be a game player.
Next Level Gaming May 6, 2024
Blizzard’s first foray into the world of MMO gaming is Superb. They’ve managed to blend New and innovative ideas along with tried and true features in a smooth running game worthy of the Warcraft name.
Game Informer May 6, 2024
Though WoW doesn't radically differ from the tried-and-true MMORPG formula, the subtle tweaks, additions, and special layer of Blizzard polish make it an amazing and fresh experience.
Blizzard has done what every MMORPG should be trying to do - it's ticked all the right boxes and really tried to forge the link between the heart and the head in a hugely immersive virtual space. This is what creates the stories in your imagination. These aren't just battles, they're adventures. Now that's what role-playing should be all about.
Pelit (Finland) May 6, 2024
Three months of my life already wasted and many more probably going down the drain. Thanks a lot, Blizzard.
RPG Fan May 6, 2024
With fantastic art direction, technical stability, a compelling storytelling, addictive and enjoyable gameplay – we have the recipe for success.