September 30, 2004

Wrestling Spirit

Wrestling Spirit
Based on 3 Reviews
Release date
September 30, 2004


Renowned wrestling game maker Adam Ryland once again challenges you to take on the world of brawn; you now start as a rookie and then grow to be a wrestling legend. Wrestling Spirit, based around the pro-wrestling industry, is an exciting and highly addictive simulation game and is available exclusively through Grey Dog Software. In WreSpi players will control each match, negotiate contracts, personal finances, deal with injuries, and manage all the backstage politics. The accurate simulation engine and realistic AI offers up an extremely unique and immersive wrestling experience. [Grey Dog Software]

Wrestling Spirit Trailer

Wrestling Spirit Screenshots3

Critic Reviews3

Delivers the ingredients needed to let your imagination run wild, and immerse you into the career of an up-and-coming wrestler. There are times that you feel like you're stuck in the middle of a re-occurring dream, but with a little bit of patience, you can have a lot of fun with this title.
May 11, 2024
And although living the career of a Triple H wannabe makes the game more frivolous than the usual stat-heavy sports sim, the absence of serious depth is offset by the entertainment value of role-playing a muscle-bound freak who bashes people over the head with chairs for a living.
May 11, 2024
The ability to show the climb from rookie to respectability is -- and I'm speaking from experience -- both ambitious and accurate. It's also a good example of grassroots development in a genre that really suits it.
May 11, 2024

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