
X2: Wolverine's Revenge Critic Reviews

27 Total Reviews

7 Positive Reviews(25.9%)
18 Mixed Reviews(66.7%)
2 Negative Reviews(7.4%)

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Cheat Code Central May 5, 2024
If I had a chance to play this during the years I was a complete Wolverine fanatic I would have passed out from pleasure overload. No kidding... This is the one of the finest comic book games to date.
Gamezilla! May 5, 2024
While the game falls short of being truly awesome, Wolverine fans will find plenty to like about Wolverine’s Revenge and should definitely check it out.
Maxim Online May 5, 2024
While most of Revenge’s game play involves turning bad guys into kebab, the game’s strict homage to the comic gives it more depth.
GameZone May 5, 2024
Could have been so much more than what it turned out to be. GenePool Software should have delayed this game a month to iron out the AI, camera control, and other issues that this game had from time to time.
Village Voice May 5, 2024
Deploying your special powers is motivation enough to move through the game's booby-trapped military complexes, crash sites, mines, caves, and places that look like mines or caves.
Cincinnati Enquirer May 5, 2024
Controlling Wolverine during combat can prove difficult, especially when there are multiple enemies onscreen simultaneously.
TeamXbox May 5, 2024
There are enough secrets in here to keep you busy for at least another play through. Add that to the list of characters from the comic books and you’ve got yourself a great buy.
IGN May 5, 2024
Revenge succeeds with a story and style that fits Wolvie perfectly. But the gameplay has far too many holes and the sound and graphics are nothing special for Xbox.
Armchair Empire May 5, 2024
Even a fan like me can’t help but term the control a bit problematic.
GameSpy May 5, 2024
It's not so much that the enemies are hard to kill, or that the simplistic level design inflicts any brain-bending puzzles, but more that the inherent trial-and-error style progression through the levels gets tedious to the point of removing all the fun from playing.
Weekly Famitsu May 5, 2024
7 / 5 / 6 / 7 - 25
Game Over Online May 5, 2024
A disappointment. Though the gameplay is okay, it's nothing special, and despite the awesome license this game possesses, it’s sure to grate on anyone after a few hours.
Game Chronicles May 5, 2024
A totally uninspired game with shoddy graphics, weak sound, clumsy controls, and only enough content to make this worth a weekend rental or perhaps a budget purchase when the title makes it to the Platinum Hits.
Total Video Games May 5, 2024
It’s difficult to knock Wolverine’s Revenge too much because it does offer some neat ideas, but unfortunately GenePool has seemingly forgotten about the fundamentals and left us with little to get excited about after the brief initial interest.
There's a split-second delay between button-press and action, and Wolvie is as agile as a sack of potatoes. Enemy AI is spotty, there are no in-level saves, and boss battles can be puzzling.
GameSpot May 5, 2024
A game with some promise and some good ideas, but a half-cocked presentation and execution.
Into Liquid Sky May 5, 2024
A lot of the levels suffer from trial and error gameplay, where you have to do a series of things correctly or else you're forced to start over at the beginning of the level. While this might be okay for two or three tries, some stages may take a lot of tries before you get through, leading to excessive frustration.
Game Informer May 5, 2024
The game's complete lack of refinement and polish... renders all of its strengths irrelevant.
Xbox Nation Magazine May 5, 2024
A decent story and some excellent stealth-based play prevent Revenge from sinking head-long into a hole of suck.
GMR Magazine May 5, 2024
Playing it is slightly more fun than swallowing a lawn mower.