
X3: Reunion Critic Reviews

32 Total Reviews

25 Positive Reviews(78.1%)
3 Mixed Reviews(9.4%)
4 Negative Reviews(12.5%)

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AceGamez May 8, 2024
By far the most engrossing game released so far this millennium.
GamerFeed May 8, 2024
If deep, engrossing simulations are your thing, 'specifically space sims - X3: Reunion is your pot of gold at the end of the interstellar rainbow. X3 has it all - a gripping storyline (that you can ignore if you like); wide open, truly free roaming game play; jaw-dropping graphics that will make you stop you in you ion tracks; and some of the most hardcore, in-depth game mechanics we've seen in quite some time.
One of the few games that has the power to engage your imagination with pretty pictures, then actually live up to your imaginings when you get your hands on it. Bring back the bloody internal docking next time and it'll probably be the first game in ZONE history to get 100 per cent.
GameZone May 8, 2024
The eye candy will lure you in, the gameplay will keep you intrigued and the free-roaming feel will keep you occupied for hours. X3 – Reunion takes the X franchise to new heights.
eToychest May 8, 2024
It is a larger and more ambitious title than the previous games, which is no easy feat as the X series has always been thought of as particularly ballsy.
Cheat Code Central May 8, 2024
You have to really be into this kind of game to truly appreciate it otherwise you might just declare it as boring. It's a thinking man's game, not as deep as chess but there are certainly a lot of elements to juggle around in your head.
Worth Playing May 8, 2024
The sheer expansiveness of the X3: Reunion universe will draw you back again and again, each time offering something new and exciting. You’ll never run out of goals to meet.
Pelit (Finland) May 8, 2024
An amazingly deep and sophisticated space trading simulation. It is unfortunate that the game was released prematurely. Keep those patches coming, Egosoft!
BonusStage May 8, 2024
Nearly perfect in regards to its presentation, almost MMO-like scope and endless gameplay.
GamingExcellence May 8, 2024
The open-ended feeling of X3 will appeal to many who like to be able to do their own thing, while the lack of direction might turn off others.
Total Video Games May 8, 2024
A by-numbers sequel that doesn’t dare to do anything too drastically, but when you’ve got the trading system of the X series and the astounding visuals of X3 it’s hard to complain too much. EgoSoft needs to sort out the issues however that are currently blighting the title.
Boomtown May 8, 2024
X3 is a great game, but if Egosoft grasped the challenge and offered immersion of the type seen in "Freelancer" and similar ship handling, combined with its own beautiful and complex universe, then we might finally have a game that deserves to called the new "Elite."
IGN May 8, 2024
X3 is the most complex simulation of its kind, yet. It has more commands at its disposal than a Las Vegas lounge lizard has pick-up lines. So dropping you into this universe with nothing more than a few incomplete pages of listed and occasionally incorrect key and mouse controls just doesn't cut it.
games(TM) May 8, 2024
By far the most engrossing and beautiful space game on the PC or any other format.
G4 TV May 8, 2024
X3: Reunion is a game that gamers will absolutely lose themselves in for months and even years without running out of things to do.
PC Gamer May 8, 2024
It also takes tremendous patience to grow your commercial space empire to a healthy payoff stage, but for many, that's part of this franchise's allure.
Jolt Online Gaming UK May 8, 2024
It’s great if you want a chilled out, thoughtful experience that’s slow paced almost all the time, but if you fantasise about pursuing a life of white knuckle action and adventure against those great looking backdrops, you’re SOL.
Game Chronicles May 8, 2024
The best part of X3: Reunion is ultimately doing your own thing in space.
Next Level Gaming May 8, 2024
Being such a huge fan of X2, I was very disappointed in X3. If you can get past the controls and storyline then this is can be a awesome game for you, its just too bad these parts are so bad.
PALGN May 8, 2024
If you can get past the intial complexities or are already a series fan, this game will keep you in until X4 is released.